What are some good stomach exercises

What are some good stomach exercises

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some good stomach exercises”,you can compare them.

The Pilates 100, the first exercise you do in Pilates, is an ab-strengthening procedure. As you hold your head and arms off the floor and pump your arms, the instructor may say that you’re bringing air into your body in an approved manner, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-stomach-exercises ]
More Answers to “What are some good stomach exercises
What are some good stomach exercises?
Bicycle crunches, leg lifts, planks… Jackknives are a good one. Lay on your back, extend your arms behind your head, stretch your legs straight in front of you, and do a crunch, trying to touch your hands to your feet. I did one recently …
What are the best stomach exercises to do?
Hey there. Now, there are two things I would recommend. Firstly, remember that 70% of what you get out of your body, is what you put in. If you want a six-pack, you need to eat a balanced diet, including a good amount of protein (this reall…
Lose Belly Fat – How To Lose Weight In Stomach Area. Exercises to…?
And as a result the high level of Cortisol ensures higher deposition of belly fat. And the quest remains…how to lose belly fat or weight in stomach area. Well, the quest is not much far off. The most important thing is exercising correctly …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: what are some good side stomach exercises?
A: try these, they are really good:Dumbbell Side Bendshttp://www.myfit.ca/exercisedatabase/viewanexercise.asp?exercise=Dumbbell+Side+Bends&table=exercises&ID=117Cable Side Bendshttp://www.myfit.ca/exercisedatabase/viewanexercise.asp?exercise=Cable+Side+Bends&table=exercises&ID=115Medicine Ball Ab Wood Choppershttp://www.myfit.ca/exercisedatabase/viewanexercise.asp?exercise=Medicine+Ball+Ab+Wood+Choppers&table=exercises&ID=185Low to High Woodchoppershttp://www.myfit.ca/exercisedatabase/viewanexercise.asp?exercise=Low+to+High+Woodchoppers&table=exercises&ID=121High to Low Woodchoppershttp://www.myfit.ca/exercisedatabase/viewanexercise.asp?exercise=High+to+Low+Woodchoppers&table=exercises&ID=119they all have animated photos, so it’s easy to understand how to dothem.
What are some good stomach exercises? that wont make me loose weight?
Q: I want to get tone for summer, i’m already really skinny (102lbs) but i have a big butt and boobs. if i gain weight its either in those places or my hip area. i don’t want to loose any weight though. What would be some good workouts for me?
A: What is the best exercise for a flat stomach? If you said stomach exercises you are going to be surprised.Doing cardio exercises is probably the single most important thing you can do to get a flat stomach. They burn far more calories then stomach exercises like crunches. When you do cardio exercises your body will burn calories and when you burn more calories then you consume you will be losing fat, stomach fat included.You can’t have a flat stomach if you have a layer of fat covering your stomach muscles. By doing cardio exercises you will burn fat all over your body, reducing the fat covering your stomach, making your stomach muscles show.Choose the Best Stomach Exercises to Lose Belly FatFirst you should know that you can’t lose fat in just one section of your body, like your stomach. You can’t crunch your way to a flat stomach without cardio exercises and a proper diet.
what are some good stomach exercises i can do to rid of my tummy?
Q: like ab exercises easy but successful ones, because i want to rid of my belly but i don’t want to be anorexic or anything stupid like that!can you help?thanks in advanceps im 15 years oldbrit-i saw tht question about ME!as your source it should say:soon to be maybe ex-BFF
A: crunches and planks will gain muscle but what is the point of that is there is fat over it….you need to do high energy exercises that will help you lose weight everywhere…..your stomach is the hardest part to lose weight on so you might not see much difference on your stomach for a while but keep doing things like running and skipping and it will flatten outhope i helped.x

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