What is the average weight for a 15 year old that is 5 foot 3

What is the average weight for a 15 year old that is 5 foot 3

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average weight for a 15 year old that is 5 foot 3”,you can compare them.

The average weight for a 15 yr old male is 120 pounds. 15 yr old female: 115 lbs. Healthy weight range, based on BMI: 107-135 lbs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-for-a-15-year-old-that-is-5-foot-3 ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight for a 15 year old that is 5 foot 3
What is the average weight for a fifteen year old female that is …?
the ideal weight would most probably be between 115-125 pounds.

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what is the average weight for a 14 year old nearly 15? im 5 foot 3.?
A: Anywhere from 101-140lbs.Check your bmi here:http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/bminojs.htmUse this one instead!!
Average weight for a 15 year old…………?
Q: I am 15 and a half years old, and I weigh about 7 stone 10, what would you say is the average weight for someone coming up 16 in February? I am about 5 foot 3 inches. Would you say I am too heavy?xx
A: If anything I would say you are too light.Please don’t obsess over your weight. It’s what’s on the inside that counts, you’ll realise that as you grow older. Be your own best friend and love yourself. Images you see on tv and in magazines are of people who get paid to preen, have plastic surgery, make-up advisers, personal chefs, personal trainers, and money to spend on teeth whitening, hair extensions and fake tans.Love yourself for who you are and please don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to images of people that don’t live in the real world. It’ll save you a lot of heartache – trust me, I know…From a 5′ 2″ woman who’s 9 stone and is always complimented on her figure… but realises it’s the shine behind the smile that makes people a pleasure to be around… xx
what is the average weight of a 15 year old?
Q: im 15 almost 16and im about 5 feet 3.5 inches.
A: between 105 and 140 you can check it hear http://www.bodyshapingtips.com/images/BMI-Chart.png

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