How many hours of sleep should a 17 year old get

How many hours of sleep should a 17 year old get

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Health Family .We found some answers as below for this question “How many hours of sleep should a 17 year old get”,you can compare them.

Teenagers should get at least nine hours sleep a night but get much less which adversely affects their performance in school. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many hours of sleep should a 17 year old get
How many hours of sleep should a 17 year old get every night??
A 17 year old (or any age for that matter) should get the sleep they need. It varies by individual, so what works for me might not work for you. A couple of tests for yourself: Do you wake up before the alarm goes off? Do you ever fall a…
How many hours of sleep should a 14-17 yr old get??
around 8 hours per night–it’s an important thing to do so as well, because it’s a crucial growing period.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many hours of sleep should a 17 year old get every night?
A: 8 is the standard
How many hours of sleep should 17-18 year olds get?
Q: I usually sleep about 10 hours a day for the past month or so, but lately I been sleeping 8 or 9 hours.
A: An 17-18 year old should get at least 8 hours of sleep, and up to 10. If you are sleeping less, then your body is probably not requiring as much sleep. Maybe you have less stress than you did when you were sleeping longer, or maybe you were fighting off an infection then. For the most part, your body will tell you what to do. You needn’t be concerned unless you can’t sleep at all for a period of time or you start sleeping constantly.
how many HOURS OF SLEEP should a 17 year old girl get a night?
Q: to be healthy
A: i used to sleep 6 and sometimes woke up alright and other days had a really hard time waking up. then i started sleeping 8 hours and i felt so much better. going to school and even had enough energy to work out in the mornings so 8 hours is what anyone should really sleep to feel well rested.

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