What is the best exercise to tighten the chest up

What is the best exercise to tighten the chest up

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Push-ups! Forget about the number of push ups you do in one set just concentrate on your work and your goal. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-exercise-to-tighten-the-chest-up ]
More Answers to “What is the best exercise to tighten the chest up
What are some good exercises to tighten my chest?
Running and yoga and different versions of push ups like Hindu push ups. Also squats and more running and also more running running O and yeah did i mention running. and baseball and football

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exercise will tighten my chest, but not increase my chest size?
Q: Are there any exercises which tighten/define your chest, but does not increase the size of your chest. You see, I already have a large chest, back, and shoulder area, but little muscle defintion. I use to work out a lot and would like these areas to be smaller. However, it would seem that, if I were to begin working out again, I would only get bigger. This I do not want because it is already difficult to find clothes which fit well. Any suggestions?
A: You are training in the wrong way, to cut and define muscles you need to lots of repititions at lighter weights. You need to do 4 sets of 25 at the same weight to define and cut. Circuit training is ideal for this and i think you need to speak to a personal trainer to show you how to use it properly. A proper circuit in a gym will be set up with a light that is time based. You move from each workout unit to the next based on the light (or beeper) and do as many reps you can on that machine in the allocated timeIf you do slow movements, power using movements you will always build size. Here you do sets that go heavier each time but with lower reps. So set 1 = 20 reps at 50kg, then set 2 = 15 rep at 60kg and set 3 = 10 rep at 70kg and the last power set you do at the max weight you can do and see how many reps you can do (usually only 2)
What exercises can I do besides push ups or using hand weights to tone and tighten up my chest? No man boobs!?
Q: My pectoral muscles have grown a little soft and flabby as of late. What are some good exercises to tone and tighten my chest up.
A: Get familiar with doing the bench press. Out of all the weight training exercises, even with the barbell, it is the best one for strengthening the pectorals. As a compound exercise, it is also beneficial for your triceps and front deltoids.If you also like to use dumbbells, then consider the chest fly. This is done while lying face up on a bench or standing up, with arms spread out and dumbbells in hand, by bringing the arms together above the chest. This is also a compound exercise that works on the triceps, deltoids, and forearms.
How do I tighten up my chest?
Q: Hi there,Can any one give me any good exercises to tighten up my chest . Iam running, eating health around 1000 cal a day, lifting weights and taking a protein drink. I can run fine, usually 5 miles a days but when iam doing weights a get very lactic and tired very quick. Any suggestions?Thanks in advance for any replies
A: Running increases your heart rate, but lifting weights increases your blood pressure. I am concerned that you are so tired after lifting weights… you shouldn’t be. I would consult with a physician FIRST before taking advice here. I can’t stress the importance of that initial step. I know that you think running 5 miles a day puts you in great shape, but you’re actually in more danger of hurting yourself than someone who’s out of shape.Preferably, after seeking the advice form a physician, you would follow this up with a trainer at a gym to get first hand advice on proper lifting techniques. If that is not possible/affordable, try to find someone who’s been lifting for a long time to help out. If you do not lift correctly, you will permanently damage your muscles… possibly even end up in surgery.OK, beyond that… you have to stop running altogether, increase your calories to AT LEAST 3,000 per day, eat lots of protein, supplement meals with vitamins/minerals, drink LOTS of water and ONLY work a specific muscle group 2 times a week. Usually, this means alternating between chest/arms one day and legs the next, followed by 2 days of rest… Rest is very important, because you NEED to allow enough time for your muscles to heal (because in the process of lifting weight you literally tear your muscles apart).Finally, the key to gaining size vs. strength is in the reps. If you want strength, use low weights up to 20 or more reps. However, if you want size, use a weight that allows you to only lift the weight 8-10 times. You only want to perform 3 sets of repetitions per muscle group increasing the weight each time. Give yourself plenty of time between sets… 5-10 minutes to give your muscles a chance to recover.

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