What is the ideal blood pressure

What is the ideal blood pressure

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The ideal blood pressure is 120/80. 140/90 or higher is considered high blood pressure. Got any more questions for ChaCha? 🙂 [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-ideal-blood-pressure ]
More Answers to “What is the ideal blood pressure
What is the ideal blood pressure?
Your ideal blood pressure should be 120/80
How to get the ideal blood pressure diet
Get the ideal blood pressure diet |・ Robert Kowalski shares what types of foods to eat to lower blood pressure, without the use of medications. Also watch more diet & health how to videos including tips, tricks, advice, and directons on…
What is the ideal blood pressure reading?
Is there an “ideal” blood pressure reading? No. Acceptable blood pressure falls within a range; it’s not a particular pair of numbers. For most adults, a blood pressure reading that’s less than 140/90 mm Hg means there’s no cause…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a healthy Ideal Blood Pressure for a 30 year old female?
Q: I went to the doctor the other day because I was sick and my blood pressure was 112/80. What is an ideal healthy bp for a female? What would effect a normal bp to read high (like caffine? not eatting? pain?) It seems like every time I go to like my dentist my bp reads much higher than the one from my doctor the other day, is it normal for it to jump depending on situations like that?
A: I think that 112/80 is a good blood pressure. any doctor would be pleased with that. “Normal” is 120/80 but that certainly has variables. Yes, it is normal for your blood pressure to be higher when you go to the dentist. Some people’s go higher just walking into a doctors office. Most will have you lay still for 10 minutes and your blood pressure will drop to normal.
What is an ideal blood pressure range for a 26 year old, African American male?
Q: More specifically, is 121 over 75 a good pressure range? What web sites can I visit to find out more about acceptable blood pressure ranges?
A: 121/75 is quite healthy. Most physicians want to see your systolic (the first number) be under 120, and your diastolic (second number) under 80. The fact that you’re a point over 120 doesn’t mean much- you’ll see fluctuations of a point or two with mood, stress level, drugs (i.e. nicotine, caffeine).This web site has some further information:http://www.ehealthmd.com/library/highbp/HBP_high.html
What is ideal heart beat rate, ideal high blood pressure and low blood pressure. Thanks in advance.?
A: According to the Mayo Clinic Heart Book, normal resting heart rate changes with age. For example, normal resting heart rate for a newborn is 140 beats per minute. For a young child it is 100 – 120 and for an adult it is in the 60 – 100 range.Ideal blood pressure according to the American Heart Association is 120/80 or less. Usually lower is better, but if it goes too low it may indicate a faulty valve or other serious conditions. A very low bp could also lead to shock, which should be treated as a medical emergency.For more information about blood pressure see http://www.smart-heart-living.com/high-blood-pressure.htmland for information about living a heart healthy lifesytle, see http://www.smart-heart-living.com/index.html

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