What is the best work out routine

What is the best work out routine

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The best work out routine for you really depends on your goals and your body. Check out some routines online that have what you are looking for, whether its losing weight or just toneing up. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-work-out-routine ]
More Answers to “What is the best work out routine
What is the best work out routine for me?
The key to starting an exercise routine is to make the changes slowly. You can’t go from being sedentary to active overnight and hope to succeed. Start out by exercising 1-2 times per week and eventually moving up to 3-5 times per week. Onl…
What is a good work out routine?
Whenever you are trying to lose weight, you should concentrate on these three things which all work together in providing a healthier and quicker weight loss goal for yourself. I have found this combination really successful in my weight lo…
Can anyone recommend good stretches to work into my routine that …?
Hi there: I have the same issue(s). The calf muscles are generally more difficult to keep conditioned and well stretched. They are the farthest from the heart and tend to atrophy the quickist when not working out. Also, many swimmers do not…

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What would be the best way to start a work out routine for beginners?
Q: I’ve often heard walking is the best, but my neighborhood isn’t really safe for that. I’d have to go alone. Also-if you yourself work out, is it better to do a routine in the morning or evening? Please give me as much detail as you can on your own work out. Even the smallest of detail could matter……Thank you!
A: Hi DarkI like the light too; I like your avatar and name. Any way….Slow and easy is the best thing for a beginner at least for the first week and then a little bit harder the next week and so-on?Yes walking is the good, but swim is the best. If you can swim I would recommend swimming as well. Swimming will work all the muscles in your body, arms, chest, legs, neck, shoulders even your eyes and skin, heart and lungs. If the water is cold, your skin will be the first to feel it, goose bumps, the body will then turn up the heat burning more calories to warm it self up, if the water is warm the body will burn more calories to cool it down. The more you swim the more the body needs oxygen in turn making the lungs work harder taking in air causing the heart to pump harder pushing blood and oxygen to the brain and then out into all the surrounding tissue. Walking and running does the same thing except there is no pounding of the joints in your legs, back and neck.I am going to assume you are a girl, and that is okay, girls need help just like the boys.As a girl there are some things that you will want to decide about what type of work out and results you want. Do you want to look like a body builder or just super hard and sexy, the fit look or the muscle look, you can do both, but you can’t have both. One way of working the body two different weight training programs, two different out comes, big and strong, lean and sexy, this you must decide on your own you will be the one doing the work.Okay before and after any workout that includes walking or swimming you must stretch, stretch your legs, back, shoulders, and arms, neck and calve muscles, this will limit your chances of getting hurt. It will also determine the type and shape of your body. A well stretch body will help elongate your muscles helping you to look leaner and longer, giving you a taller slimmer look, if not you will look short and thick, so stretch before and after. If you need a good stretching program yoga is the best that I know of it stretches all parts of the body, look it up or buy a DVD and follow that, again slow and easy. Stretching will also help you in the bedroom with your partner; certain position won’t hurt because your body will be more flexible, again minimizing injuries.Now as for the workout it’s self. Most people workout in the evenings after work, but I try to do it in the mid afternoons or mid mornings, because when you are done your body is filled with adrenaline and testosterone making it hard to sleep or relax, mid day or mid mornings I can used the energy to do something else. Part of your workout you will need to incorporate weights, as for a girl that wants to look lean and tone work with light-weights lots of repetitions, the strong muscular look heavy weights less repetitions. Bench press for the chest, over head press for the shoulders, squats for the legs or thighs, curls for the arms, bent over rows for the back and lat’s, (side of you body under the arm pits) calf raises negative and positive for the calve muscle, (lower leg ). Use light weights when doing these exercises it will help you achieve your goals without hurting your self. There are more, but this is stuff you can do as a beginner as you get better and more used to doing these exercises you can learn more advance exercise.Last thing, diet, I don’t know if you are doing this to lose weight or to gain weight, but your diet is very important to your ultimate success. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, lots proteins, fish and chicken, not so much red meats even though they are a great source of protein, it can be hard on the bowls. Drink lots of water, eat only complex carbohydrates, pasta brown rice and breads, cut down on the sugars, white bread, and white rice if you eat, cookies and cakes, cut out the soft drinks of all kinds that include sport drinks they contain a lot of sugar, potato chips and ice cream. Once and a while is okay, but not every day, pick a day and have a snack of sugar just don’t carried a way, I do it all the time then I suffer for it. My dear there is so much more but this is good enough to get you started, take your time, go slow and easy until have become used to doing it on a daily bases if that is what you are working towards. Remember always stretch before and after. If you need more you can e-mail me and I will write back.Only you can put together your workout I can only give you the info, Find a time and a place that is going to work for you, if you can afford a tread mill you might consider buying one if you have the space, that way you can walking in the safety of your own home.Good luck and take care….Keep the Faith….PEACE….
What is the best work out routine to burn the fat off my midsection?
Q: I recently started working out about 3 weeks ago, I have been going 3 times a week, I’ve been doing cardio then light weights with many reps. I also wear a sauna suit to sweat more. I really want to loose the fat and wouldn’t mind bulking up. What would be the best routine, pill or vitamin or drink, and schedule? I do have enough time to go everyday in the morning.
A: you can’t spot reduce fat, your body will decide where it will lose fat first.what you can do though…- eat smaller meals more frequently (your stomach won’t need to stretch as much and will help decrease size around your mid section)- do weights before cardio (your body Will burn energy while lifting weights, and by the time you get to cardio your body should be burning fat reserves for energy)- fat metabolizers are good supplements to take before training.- morning before breakfast is the best time to do cardio.- lower your carbs intake late afternoon and evening.- keep up the weight training, your will gain more lean muscle and burning fat will become alot easier with a higher metabolism- a low carb protein shake will be good after training to help recovery and also help bulk upand unless you train flat our every day you won’t get a good shape if your diet is junk.
If you work out, what is the best and healthiest diet/workout routine?
Q: If you work out, what is the best and healthiest diet/workout routine? Please help. I wanna get jacked up
A: No matter what is your age, you can look at feel your best at any age. This can be easily done by knowing how your body functions and what sort of exercises will get your at its peak.Eg Cardio,* 4 – 6 days moderate aerobic activity* 45 – 60 mins building endurance & burn fatAnd for strength,* Twice a week weight training* 2 – 3 set of each move* For lighter weight, do at least 15 reps

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