Who is the most important person in history

Who is the most important person in history

Health related question in topics Fitness History Historic Figures .We found some answers as below for this question “Who is the most important person in history”,you can compare them.

It’s really a matter of personal opinion. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-most-important-person-in-history ]
More Answers to “Who is the most important person in history
jesus even if he wasnt the son of god he was definately alive theres no doubt about that! and hes changed the world in massive ways
Hippocrates or Aristotle
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A: Mother.Every historian has to come -out of her womb.Without her there is no entity for any person,who is important or un-important.
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A: Jesus ChristSeriously… he died 2000 years ago but still peoples lives are being influenced by him and his teachings. The bible is still around after all this time and is still up there on the best-sellers list.

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