Does adderall have meth in it

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Does adderall have meth in it”,you can compare them.

Adderall does not have meth in it. Adderall, meth, and cocaine all come from the amphetamine family. Keep on ChaCha’ing! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does adderall have meth in it
Is adderall like meth?
Meth is a stimulant. Here are its positive effects: increased energy and alertness decreased need for sleep euphoria increased sexuality And here are Adderall’s: increased alertness increased motivation increased talkativeness positive mood…
Does snorting adderall feel like snorting meth??
I don’t know what snorting meth makes one feel like, but I can imagine adderall would be a much safer option. Still, that stuff will make you psychotic eventually
Can you turn adderall to synthetic meth and if so how??
No, you can’t. Methamphetamine is chemically identical to amphetamine, except for the addition of a hydrogen molecule in methamphetamine’s chemical makeup. They’re 2 totally different substances (though they have very similar effects). Th…

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Does snorting adderall feel like snorting meth?
Q: so i know somebody that is hooked on meth, and ive taken adderall before and ive tried meth they both pretty much feel the same, so i want her to quite should i bring up the possibilty of resorting to adderall so she won go threw withdraw.Have you ever done either and how dosit feel for you?
A: I don’t know what snorting meth makes one feel like, but I can imagine adderall would be a much safer option. Still, that stuff will make you psychotic eventually
Are adderall and meth close to the same thing ?
Q: hey, i take adderall for adhd and i was reading about this group of drugs. i saw methamphedamine in the same categorie, and i kind of got scared. are they that much alike ? or just the same class of drug? thanks.
A: Addreall is amphetatmine and dextroamphetamine. It can be an addictive medication. It is in the same class as methamphetamine, but is a different drug. If you look up structres of the drugs you will see they are similar molecules.
Crystal Meth vs. Adderall-What is the difference?
Q: I just saw last night’s episode of A & E’s Intervention “Christy” (very disturbing) & it reminded me of a girl I used to work with who took large amounts of Adderall daily. I was wondering what the difference was between someone addicted to meth and someone addicted to adderall? Are the short and long term side effects the same? Are the dangers similar? Why does it cause open sores? From the picking they do when all jacked up?Is the high the same? For those who have done both-can you tell a difference in the way you feel?
A: there is no difference, i was addicted to meth for a long time and my friends thought i was going to die because i was so sucked up, the adderall will do the same thing to you, speed is so easy to get hooked on. i am clean from speed now, i just enjoy mary jane, for 5 years and i feel great now.
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