What are the best ways to get rid of foot odor

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Sprinkle talcum powder or commercial foot powder into your socks to help keep your feet dry and discourage the growth of bacteria. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-best-ways-to-get-rid-of-foot-odor ]
More Answers to “What are the best ways to get rid of foot odor
What is the best way to get rid of unsightly foot odor??
Oddly enough I was just reading a website on this a bit ago…unfortunately, I didn’t bookmark it but I think I remember the directions right. Most likely your feet do not stink but your shoes, which collect moisture inside them and allow b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s the best way to get rid of foot odor permanently?
Q: My shoes smell worst than my feet. Spraying them is only a temporary fix. The odor comes back after a few days.
A: Practice good hygiene. Make sure you use clean socks always. Make sure your feet are dry before wearing shoes. Put Driclor at night to stop the sweat. It’s available in drug stores.
WHats the best way to get rid of Foot Odor?
Q: It seems the foot powder i have now is suckering me to use it every single day. It works well but it makes you dependent on it. Sort of like the medicines of the world these days that don’t cure nothing but just makes it easier to live with while these pharmaceutical companies become filthy rich off us.Anyways….the footpowder im using now is gold bond. DO you know of anything that works on a more permanent basis?
A: Using socks, always. Dry ones, cotton ones. Baking powder works pretty well too, you can sprinkle some on your foot [pre-sock] or in your shoe. Good luck!
What is the best way to get rid of unsightly foot odor?
Q: It’s unsightly in the way that when I take my shoes off my toenails are slightly greenishly tinged.
A: Oddly enough I was just reading a website on this a bit ago…unfortunately, I didn’t bookmark it but I think I remember the directions right.Most likely your feet do not stink but your shoes, which collect moisture inside them and allow bacteria to grow.(1) Wear socks.(2) Purchase some cheesecloth from the store and some baking soda. Cheesecloth is more available this time of year as it is used in cooking, but can be gotten other times of the year in cooking stores. It is basically a semi-porous cloth that allows some moisture to get through but also traps some of it.3.) Take the cheesecloth and layer it three three times and make it into little squares. Put the baking soda in the middle and then tie up the ends into a bag.4.) Put the bags in your shoes and put them in a cool dark place for about a day.5.) Wash rinse and repeat as necessary.You only have to throw the bags away when they start to smell like the bad smelling shoes, which takes a bit.
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