What is done in a root canal

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In a root canal procedure, the patient is given one or more shots of local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth. A tiny clamp and a rubber dam are put around the tooth. A hole is drilled in the tooth to expose the nerve, which is cleaned out MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-done-in-a-root-canal ]
More Answers to “What is done in a root canal
How is a Root Canal Done?
・ First, an opening is made through the back of a front tooth or the crown of a molar or pre-molar. ・ After the diseased pulp is removed (a pulpectomy), the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned, enlarged … ・ If more than one visit i…
What is done during a root canal?
Recheck x-rays are recommended at 6 months and then every year or so. Many times recheck x-rays are combined with regular dental cleanings.
What is a root canal and why is it done?
In certain situations, you have to make root canal treatment , when 1- the tooth is so painful, and the dentist with many ways tries to treat it but he couldn’t. 2- when the infection from the pulp (nerve of the tooth) spreads to other area…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How a root canal is done during pregnancy?
Q: I have some sensitivity in a tooth that already has a filling. I suspect a cavity is developing under the filling and I may need to have it refilled or even have a root canal. The problem is, I am 5 weeks pregnant now. I wonder, if I end up needing a root canal, how is it gonna be done? Will the doctor take X-rays or will do without it? How about local anesthesia? Can I have it or is it harmfull for the fetus?
A: There is no need to be concerned.The usual local anaesthetic (lidocaine with epinephrine) is quite OK. However, you shouldn’t have the less commonly used prilocaine with felypressin as the felypressin has diuretic properties (makes you wee more than usual) and oxytocic properties (stimulates contraction). Even so, you would need a big dose to give trouble.X-rays are fine. In fact, the latest UK and Australian guidelines don’t recommend the need for lead aprons anymore, even in pregnant women, and the US is likely to follow suit. This is because modern X-ray units have minimal dosages that don’t spread everywhere like old units. A lead apron would only be indicated in Xrays that were directed towards the abdomen (e.g. an occlusal vertex).Get the tooth treated before you develop significant pain or an abscess, because you would then need painkillers and antibiotics.
Should root canal treatment be done on the support teeth for a bridge?
Q: I have a missing molar on both upper sides. In neither case is there enough bone for an implant, so bridges are needed – given my nocturnal grinding problems, I’ve been advised to get them sooner rather than later (bridges would also deal with my main sites of decay recurrence and filling dislodgment). I’m now in Argentina and able to get them done very cheaply, with a dentist I’m comfortable with. However, he plans to do root canal treatment on the teeth that will be the supports of the bridge; he says it’s for practical reasons, to facilitate the work overall. I’ve spoken to two dental surgeries back in Australia, and in both cases they say it is better to leave the support teeth alive (eg to avoid later brittleness), and only to do root canal if there is a problem with those teeth. Do you have any view as to whether it is indeed a bad idea to remove the nerves unnecessarily? Or is it a way of reducing the chance of future decay/pain problems in the teeth within the bridge? Thanks!
A: I see no reason for doing the root canals on perfectly normal teeth. If they were to need them later, the bridge won’t be in the way; they’ll take it out while working on the root canals.The ONLY logic I see to this is if the dentist is going to put in screw-and-post crowns after the root canal, which *might* be stronger than the teeth. That’s where they put a threaded anchor piece into the jawbone at the tip of the root, then screw the crown down using that anchor. This might make sense, given you’ve mentioned not enough bone for implants.
How are the back teeth different from the front teeth when you have a root canal done?
Q: 16 years ago I had a root canal done to a canine tooth and also one done to premolar tooth. For both of them I had put on a permanent filling. The canine survived for 15 years but changed the color to yellow-black ( I put a crown on it because of the color) while the other one broke of in 2 years.So I was wondering whats the difference between front and back teeth’s and why they last different after the nerve was removed?
A: Front teeth typically have only one root. Therefore, normally you have to get treated only in 1 canal. Top Premolars typically have at least 2 canals. Molars 3 or even 4 canals.Lower Premolars typically have 1 canal and sometimes 2. Canines are the strongest built tooth in each arch. The root is the longest and the cross-sectional measurement is also the higher than a premolar even if it has a single root.Therefore, it is stronger and durable as a result of its bulky structure.
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