What is the percent chance of getting pregnant if the girl uses depo-provera
Depo Provera is 97-99.7% effective as birth control, meaning you have a .03-3 percent chance of pregnancy. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-percent-chance-of-getting-pregnant-if-the-girl-uses-depo%26%2345%3Bprovera ]
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- What is the percent chance of getting pregnant if the girl uses d…?
- http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-percent-chance-of-getting-pregnant-if-the-girl-uses-depo%26%2345%3Bprovera
- Depo Provera is 97-99.7% effective as birth control, meaning you have a .03-3 percent chance of pregnancy. ChaCha on!