What is the pill that is circle & white with a M in a square on one side & a 3 on the other side
Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the pill that is circle & white with a M in a square on one side & a 3 on the other side”,you can compare them.This pill is a generic tylenol made by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. It contains 300mgs Acetaminophen and 30mgs Codeine. Many say it is ineffective.
More Answers to “What is the pill that is circle & white with a M in a square on one side & a 3 on the other side” - What is z c 0 2 white circle pill
- That pill is a 25 mg promethazine. ChaCha!
- What is a pill with ku on one side and 102 on the other small whi…?
- http://www.drugs.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8570
- Small round white scored tablet imprinted KU on one side and 102 on the other side is sublingual hyoscyamine sulfate 0.125 mg. Hyoscyamine is a drug that treats different bowel problems. I’m not a pharmacist or a medical doctor. This messag…
- Could anyone please tell me what this is? need pill id uad in a c…?
- http://www.drugs.com/forum/pill-identification/need-pill-id-uad-circle-6350-a-26171.html
- This pill is LORCET 10/650 Generic Name Hydrocodone 10 mg and Acetaminophen 650 mg Imprint Code UAD / 63 50 Description light blue, oblong, partially scored tablet Info at http://acetaminophen.and.hydrocodone.drugs.com
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- Q: whats the name of this pill please? i really need to know what the name of it is.light blue circle pill
- A: Go here and plug in the info to find ithttp://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html
- Anyone know where to get 500 mg lysine in a pill shape, not the circle shape?
- Q: I used to buy my stuff at trader joe’s and target, they had the rectangular pill of 500 mg. that went down really easy and were pretty cheap. Now it seems that they don’t carry them anymore. I wonder if they’ve been discontinued. Anyways, anyone know of a place that does carry this shape, I bought some circular shaped 500 mg pills but they don’t go down as easy. Lemme know. Thanks.
- A: Here’s a link with a bunch of results:http://www.google.com/products?client=safari&rls=en&q=lysine+500+mg&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=1&ct=titleIt sounds like you are looking for tablets and not capsules. Good luck.
- white pill, p in a circle on one side and l on the other?
- Q: the pill is shaped like this ______ (___|___) It has a divider with a p in a circle on the left and an I or 1 or something on the right……can you identify it for me??? its white. Thanks in advance.
- A: RxList.com – Pill Identifier. And don’t take anything you can’t identify.