When your pregnant can you take Ibprofen

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Ibuprofen should never be taken during the last 3 months of pregnancy and you should consult a doctor before using it during the normal course of your pregnancy. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-your-pregnant-can-you-take-ibprofen ]
More Answers to “When your pregnant can you take Ibprofen
What happens to the fetus if you take ibprofen while pregnant??
Ibprophen can cause bleeding in the fetus. The person who stated it contains codine is wrong. Codine is actually safe to take during the later months of pregnancy but must be done with doctor consent. I found this on the web: Two studies ha…
Can i take ibprofen while pregnant? Nothing eles works for tooth …?
No you must not take ibuprofen you can take cocodimal or dyhydrocodine I’m on that and pregnant and the doctor prescribed it for me and said its fine
Is it ok to take ibuprofen while pregnant?
It is ok to take ibuprofen occasionally during pregnancy. It is advised not to be taken as chronic pain relief. You should be especially cautioned in the last trimester.

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Q: I have a horrible migrain and I’ve heard I shouldnt take ibprofen. Is there any other medicine thats safe while your pregnant or any home remedies that would work…quickly?
A: Tylenol, works like a charm.. i was afraid of using it in my pregnancy but my Doctor said it is most defiantly safe=] for you and the baby=]
What happens to the fetus if you take ibprofen while pregnant?
Q: ????
A: Ibprophen can cause bleeding in the fetus. The person who stated it contains codine is wrong. Codine is actually safe to take during the later months of pregnancy but must be done with doctor consent.I found this on the web:Two studies have found an increased risk of miscarriage with the use of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen early in pregnancy; however, several other studies did not find this association. There are also concerns that drugs such as ibuprofen may interfere with implantation of the early fetus. While a clear risk has not been established, women who are trying to conceive may wish to avoid ibuprofen.There is concern with the use of ibuprofen in the third trimester. The greatest concern is for premature closure of the ductus arteriosus (a vessel in the fetal heart), which can lead to high blood pressure in the fetallungs (pulmonary hypertension). The use of ibuprofen later in pregnancy may inhibit labor or cause reduced amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios). Therefore, it is recommended that women use ibuprofen only under a health care provider’s supervision during the third trimester.Studies have not found an increased risk for birth defects, low birth weight, or preterm labor with the use of NSAIDs in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. The concerns regarding use in the third trimester warrant close monitoring, and your doctor may follow the status of your baby’s heart and amniotic fluid volume in the third trimester by ultrasound. Additionally, you should be on the lowest dose that effectivelytreats your condition.
is it ok to take IBprofen or tylenol when ur 4 wks pregnant?
A: Well 100 yrs ago a lot of healthy babies were born withoutworring about what the mother injested. But a lot wern’t The placenta filters out a lot of stuff. But Tylenol is safe without adoubt. It didn’t do anything for my g/f. she took ibuprofin and asprin. But maybe she lucked out.For ibuprofin, Ask your doctor. but the first trimester is the most important. You’re baby is developing. Avoid any medications if you can but tylenol if you have to.
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