Can pregnant women eat nuts

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You should avoid peanuts during pregnancy if you have a food allergy or a family history of food allergies. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can pregnant women eat nuts
Is it safe to eat nuts while pregnant?
I’ve heard that too. I have eaten nuts with every pregnancy. Think about the fact that people used to live off of nuts, seeds, fruits, etc. My daughter has asthma, my two other children do not, my son suffers from eczema sometimes, but both…
Why do us prenant women pee so much its drive me nuts hepl me ple…?
In the early stages of pregnancy, the uterus begins to swell, pressing the bladder downward and causing you to make frequent trips to the bathroom. I understand your feeling most especially if you’re in the middle of a good sleep at night a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

whether pregnant woman can eat nuts?
Q: My wife is pregnant in one month, I want to know whether she can eat nuts like walnut,almond and cashew nut?especially almond,I googled it and found it is quite controversial。 I focus on first three months period. Thanks
A: I’m pretty sure she can. Nuts have a healthy fat like avocados and the baby need that to build fat deposits later on in the pregnancy. Walnuts are good and I’m not sure about almonds but if taken in moderation and without salt, I doubt they would be harmful.
Why can’t pregnant women eat certain foods?
Q: why aren’t pregnant women eat foods containing artificial coloring, nuts and soft cheese?
A: Items you aren’t supposed to eat have been identified as causing problems during pregnancy. I don’t know the scoop on artificial coloring, but it does cause problems, particularly behavioral problems, in some young children, so likely has some effect on a fetus. Nuts – unless your family has a background of severe allergies or nut allergy specifically, you can eat all the nuts you want. Soft cheese is at risk for listeria, a known cause of miscarriage and stillbirth. Cheese made in foreign countries is also a risk because they are often made with unpasteurized milk (risk of listeria and e.coli).Many women eat all these things and poo poo the risks. It is your CHOICE to decide whether you want to risk any of the illnesses associated with these foods. You should arm yourself with what is known and make decisions based on that.
Do you honestly follow all the “rules” about what pregnant women should and shouldn’t eat? ?
Q: I must admit, I don’t. Not all the time. I try my best but at some point you have to eat. I’ll give you an example. There was a big Listeria scare here in Ontario. Pregnant women were warned not to eat deli meat. So I didn’t. Or soft cheeses. Okay. Or tuna more than once (or twice) a week because it’s very high in mercury. Okay. And then people started telling me not to eat peanut butter. Or all nuts for that matter. And I rebelled. What else am I supposed to make for a healthy quick sandwich? That’s just one example. (I’m still eating my PB/honey/banana sandwiches.)Some things I’ve heard/read/been told to avoid:alcohol (of course)lunch meatbacon, ham, sausage, hot dogs (nitrates)soft cheesestuna and other fish high in mercury, or limit exposureliver (vitamin A)caffeine where possible (esp. in high doses)meat that isn’t well donesushiraw egg/egg with runny yolk peanut butter/peanuts/some people say ALL NUTStofu and soy products (estrogen can mess with babies hormones?)I’m sure I’m missing lots of stuff…I’m trying to follow many of the guidelines. But I also am trying to live here and follow a balanced diet that doesn’t break the bank. If anybody else can follow everything, that’s awesome and I am not criticizing you! But I feel that all this is a bit much. How about you?Oh! I remembered more stuff!Herbal teaSprouts (like alfalfa)artificial sweetenerMSG.ok I’m stopping now. You get the point. 🙂
A: I defininately do not follow this religeously although I do try. I do eat soft cheeses (I actually work in the testing lab for these cheeses so I know that these days there is hardly any chance of listeria infection) and I can;t stay away from smoked salmon sushi (but I avoid all other types). I drink coffee occassionally and I have never heard of staying away from nuts. I eat hotdogs, sausages and bacon and I even (shock and horror) had a glass of wine to celebrate my wedding anniversary.I think that so long as you eat and drink everything in moderation you will be fine. Whenever someone questions what I eat or drink I ask them about what the people did years ago before knowing all this stuff and why are all their babies healthy? I think people take things too far. Pregnancy is a blessing NOT a curse that stops you from enjoying your life…
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