Can you bleed the first month you are pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you bleed the first month you are pregnant”,you can compare them.

You may have bleeding or spotting during pregnancy that can seem like a period,called “implantation bleeding”. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you bleed the first month you are pregnant
Can you bleed during your first month of being pregnant??
It is possible to bleed a little (not as much as when you have your period) when the egg first gets fertilized…according to some of the websites I’ve been on it says it usually happens between 10-13 days after conception. I got some reall…
Can I be pregnant if I bleed the first month??
After I first found out I was pregnant, I had a little bit of light pink blood after I wiped. At first I was really concerned that I was going to have a miscarriage, but it was never accompanied by cramps. So if it is light bleeding, more l…
Did you bleed in the first month of your pregnancy??
Its hard to say since you don’t say when your period was due last month. The bleeding after sex – was it particularly rough? When you’re pregnant, your cervix is softer and filled with more blood vessels so its possible that rough sex ca…

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Can you bleed during your first month of being pregnant?
Q: What happen if you do not know yet you are pregnant but have all the suff that might think you are pregnant. Such a bigger chest. gaining wait, tired all the time and late on your month thing.
A: It is possible to bleed a little (not as much as when you have your period) when the egg first gets fertilized…according to some of the websites I’ve been on it says it usually happens between 10-13 days after conception. I got some really good info by going on google and looking up “pregnency signs”
How can you have a period and be pregnant?
Q: I would think bleeding of any sort while pregnant would be a bad thing..I had a period after my first month pregnant and didn’t know I was pregnant. It was a very normal period. I am 12 weeks pregnant now and have had an ultrasound and everything looks and sounds fine. How did I bleed and where did the blood come from?I only had a period the first month haven’t had one since
A: It is very normal to experience having your period during pregnancy.. although it is not very common is all pregnancies. My aunt had her period all nine months of her last pregnancy and the baby was very healthy and she was as well. Sometimes it is just the way your body is reacting, your uterus is used to shedding each month. If the bleeding continues each months or gets worse or painful consult your OBGYN.
Can you still ovulate and get pregnant the first month after stopping BC…?
Q: at the same time having light break through bleeding? Or do you not ovulate until the bleeding stops.? i heard you can ovulate at anytime, ven during your period.. but I was just curious..
A: yes some women does ovulate after stopping the pill in the first month
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