Is it possible for a human to impregnate an animal

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No it is not possible for humans to get animals pregnant. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible for a human to impregnate an animal
Do you think it is possible for an animal (not human) to impregna…?
Not yet (read on): The mixing of humans and animals in the name of medicine has been going on for decades. People are walking around with pig valves in their hearts and scientists have routinely injected human cells into lab mice to mimic d…
Is it possible for an animal to impregnate a human female if they…?
In order for two different species to interbreed, they must be closely related. Generally, animals within the same genus can interbreed – for example, that most famous of hybrids, the mule, is a cross between a male donkey and female hors…
Is it possible for humans to impregnate female animals and make h…?
In MOST cases, members of different species cannot bear fertile young. There are a few exceptions…but not many. It is a matter of controversy as to whether humans and their closest living relatives, the great apes, are genetically simil…

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Is it possible for humans to impregnate female animals and make hybrid humans (human/animal)?
Q: For example, what would happen if you impregnate a female monkey?
A: In MOST cases, members of different species cannot bear fertile young. There are a few exceptions…but not many. It is a matter of controversy as to whether humans and their closest living relatives, the great apes, are genetically similar enough to produce offspring at all. It IS known that human sperm can penetrate the protective layer of ape ova, but that doesn’t mean that development of the resultant zygote can occur.There have been experiments done, and a lot of speculation. However, as far as we know (and that phrase is important here), there has never been a human-ape hybrid, and it probably is not possible.
Is it possible for a human male to impregnate an animal or a male animal to impregnate a human female?
Q: Just curious.And no,i’m not interested in doing it myself so don’t be a smart a**
A: No, but you can try it with horse, heard it’s fun… Joke joke :p
is it possible for an animal to impregnate a human female if they copulate?
Q: why or why not?
A: In order for two different species to interbreed, they must be closely related. Generally, animals within the same genus can interbreed – for example, that most famous of hybrids, the mule, is a cross between a male donkey and female horse, both of which belong to the genus Equus (the offspring of a male horse and female donkey is called a hinny, incidentally). Depending on how closely related they are, species in different genera but the same family can sometimes interbreed too – for example, the puma and the leopard both belong to the family Felidae, but the genera Puma and Panthera respectively, and can interbreed to produce a hybrid known as a pumapard.Being closely related basically means that two species share a greater amount of genetic material with each other than with other animals. Beyond family level, two species cease to share enough genetic material for the egg and sperm to ‘recognise’ each other, which is why you can’t breed animals from different families like, say, a dog and a cat – a dog sperm simply wouldn’t be able to fertilise a cat egg, and vice versa.Given that the vast majority of animals are in different phyla, classes and orders to ourselves, it follows that we cannot interbreed with them. However, we humans belong to the same family as the great apes – gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orang-utans. Therefore, the possibility exists that we MAY be able to interbreed with some of them, notably the chimp and bonobo. We are in fact so closely related to these two species that genetically speaking we should be in the same genus (placing ourselves in a different genus to all other animals is more about human arrogance than it is about genetics). We are more closely related to chimps and bonobos than horses and donkeys are to each other, and it’s well-known that they can interbreed. There is a rumour that a certain scientist once impregnated a chimp using his own sperm, but got cold feet before the offspring was born and destroyed the animal. A human-ape hybrid is never likely to happen for moral and ethical reasons, supposing it’s possible at all, and a good thing too – imagine an animal with the strength and aggression of a chimp and the intelligence and capacity for evil of a human. It’d be lethal.By the way, it is not necessary for animals to have the same number of chromosomes to interbreed, as one of your answers suggests. Horses and donkeys have different numbers of chromosomes, for example. The difference in chromosome number between the parent species is the reason many hybrids are sterile, since it means they cannot produce functional sex cells, but it does not prevent the existence of the hybrid itself.Also, the definition of a species as a group of animals that can interbreed and produce fertile young is now recognised as being too simplistic. For example, all members of the genus Canis – wolves, dogs, dingoes, coyotes and jackals – can interbreed and produce fertile young. Under the old definition, that would make a grey wolf and a coyote, say, the same species, and this is clearly not the case – physically, behaviourally and genetically, they are different species. They’re just very closely related. There’s a lot more to defining a species than just who can breed with whom.
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