Is the best time to try and get pregnant right before your period starts

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Ovulation prediction kits can also help predict the best time to get pregnant, This is a great website with good ideals. Thanks [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is the best time to try and get pregnant right before your period starts
Is the best time to try and get pregnant right before your period…?
Ovulation prediction kits can also help predict the best time to get pregnant, This is a great website with good ideals. Thanks

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When Is the best time to get pregnant? Righ before or right after your period? Please help!?
Q: I’ve been trying to get pregnant for the past 4 months now and its really starting to irritate me. Please give me advice on this.
A: You typically ovulate around 14 days prior to the start of your next period. For example, if you had your period on Aug 1 and have a 30 day cycled then your next period should fall around Aug 30. Subtract 14 and you would ovulate approx the 16th. It varies with each woman but generally the luteal phase (after ovulation and prior to your menses) stays about the same, around 12-14 days.
I have a question when is the best time to try to conceive? My period has just came back on after being off fo
Q: the last going on three months. I came on a few days ago and right before it came on I had sexual intercourse with my husband do you think I could get pregnant so quick after the doctor saying my hormones are off balance? Let me explain further we really want another baby our daughter is seven years old now and after all this time I finally want another child. The last five months we have tried and have been unsuccessful.We were feeling really hurt so my husband suggested we wait until my period starts coming back on a regular basis. I don’t know why it stopped it has always been irregular every since I was sixteen years old. I think the reason it has been hard for me to conceive is because a lot of people say I was on birth control pills for to long. I really need your opinion on this one.
A: get an ovulation predictor kit to find out the best time for you. you want to “try” as close to your ovulation time as possible. if you have been on birth control for a while it may take up to 6 months for your body to be ready to concieve again. be patient and have also start taking prenatal vitamins and make sure you have had your yearly pap and everything first.
From this situation, whens the best time for me to test?
Q: Any advice would be nice :)I have 20-23 day cycles. I usually bleed heavy and it doesn’t totally finish until say 7-8 days later. I had a period on the 29th May.Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex in the early hours of the 20th June. I came on my period later that day.Were not trying to conceive, but if we did it wouldn’t be a bad thing.I didn’t think there was a chance i could be pregnant as ive read woman are practically infertile right before their period starts.And then i read that women with an early cycle can actually ovulate whilst their still bleeding.My period nearly fully stopped 4days later, which is very unusual.On thursday i got a very sharp quick pain below my belly button and say, just under my left hip, but too the right a bit… If that makes sense :pAnd ive had slight cramps just above my pubic bone a few times today.And it just got thinking. Could i have fallen pregnant?Might sound weird, but i have a weird “feeling” and feel very calm about it all. No stress what so ever.So im just wondering, when can i actually test?It’s normally when you miss your period right?Can i test tomorrow, or best leaving it another week?Much appreciated 🙂
A: It is best to wait until it is closer to your period to be sure to get the best anser because the hpg will be higher and easier to pick up in your urine.Hope that this helps and you get the results you want:-)
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