Why do some pregnant women have nosebleeds

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Pregnancy can cause nose blood vessels to expand. Increased blood supply adds pressure causing them to rupture easily. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-some-pregnant-women-have-nosebleeds ]
More Answers to “Why do some pregnant women have nosebleeds
Why do some pregnant women have nosebleeds
Pregnancy can cause nose blood vessels to expand. Increased blood supply adds pressure causing them to rupture easily. ChaCha!
Is it normal for pregnant women to get nose bleeds?
Oh goodness yes! I had a big problem with that! Your body is pumping more blood, and I know that has something to do with getting nosebleeds easier. If it’s SUPER bad, of course, call your doc. But I know I had to take out my nose ring beca…
Why does pregnant women nose bleeds?
The increased blood volume may cause the small and sensitive vessels in your nose to break easily during pregnancy.
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