How can someone stop being afraid

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How can someone stop being afraid”,you can compare them.

Get to know your fear. Approach it scientifically. Take notes in a notebook whenever you feel it surfacing. What causes it, MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can someone stop being afraid
How do you stop being afraid of someone?
I totally get what you mean. Do you also just freeze and can never think of anything to say or do? Is there a way you can just not live with her? I know thats probably not an option, but a thought. Living with other ppl can ruin relatio…
How can you make someone who is afraid of dogs stop being afraid??
Oh course! Both my Rotties work with people that are afraid of, or have been bitten. Call some of the training schools in your area. Its better to get a dog trained instead of chancing more trauma
How do I stop being afraid to care about someone new after a real…?
Hey Britt, I am so sorry you had to go through all of that abuse and pain and you are right that is was a form of emotional abuse and I have learned in my life and relationships that emotional abuse can leave permanant scars that don’t alwa…

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How can you make someone who is afraid of dogs stop being afraid?
Q: One of my friends are terrified of dogs! I keep trying to show him there is nothing wrong with them. He is only afraid because he hit one when he was little and started to run away and got bit. I really want to show him there is nothing wrong with them but he never listens. I know this sounds strange but overall I just want to know how he can stop being afraid of dogs.
A: Oh course! Both my Rotties work with people that are afraid of, or have been bitten.Call some of the training schools in your area. Its better to get a dog trained instead of chancing more trauma
how do I stop being afraid of bugs?
Q: I have centipedes in my apartment and I want to stop being afraid of them.
A: First I would wonder why I had bugs in my home! clean it up!
How long will it take an Oscar fish to stop being mad and afraid of me?
Q: I change my whole tank around today and now my Oscar is mad and afraid of me. When I come near the tank he will just hide till I leave. He was never afraid of me when I change around the tank before. How long do you think it will take him to stop being afraid of me?I also got another question too. He has a black spot under his lip that never seen before. What is it and when will it go away?
A: It’s a natural reaction. Fish feel vibrations of something comming near by and will retreat to safety. A fish doesn’t know that from a potential predator in many cases. Oscars appear to have limited ability to recognize certain keepers, but it’s not consistantly enough to show that is a fact.Probably within a day or so, it’s liable to settle in, but I don’t think the fish is “mad” at you to be honest. My stock often times will fade in color when cleaning the tank out, and a few hours later after everything is done, resume to normal colorings. What you are seeing really isn’t anything unusual. What size tank?You’re going to have to post a picture of that Joseph. It’s hard for anyone to say this is what it is and what you should do without actually seeing what we are talking about.
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