What do I do about muscle pain in my thumb

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There are many causes of thumb pain with different treatments. To treat a Bachial plexus injury you need surgery and therapy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-i-do-about-muscle-pain-in-my-thumb ]
More Answers to “What do I do about muscle pain in my thumb
What do I do about muscle pain in my thumb
There are many causes of thumb pain with different treatments. To treat a Bachial plexus injury you need surgery and therapy.
What could cause the pain of the muscle in between my index finge…?
Assuming that we’re thinking of the same muscle… Chopsticks. Sometimes when I eat with chopsticks I get that problem. If you use a thumb trackball, that can also cause it. Anything that uses that muscle can cause fatigue. The muscle is no…

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Chest pain & purple fingernails.?
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A: Does the pain at night accompany shortness of breath, specifically when you lie down? Does propping yourself up at night help with this shortness of breath?I ask this because that purple/blue in your nail beds can be an indicator that you have low oxygen in your extremities (hypoxia). Furthermore, with your chest pains, this could be an indicator of poor circulation due to your heart.This can be caused by many things, but more specific to what your doctor may question is poor flow through your arteries especially near your heart or some form of congestive heart failure where your left side of you heart isn’t beating as strong as it should be and the rest of your body not getting sufficient blood flow/oxygen. This can also lead to eventually backing up into your circulation in your lungs. This would cause that shortness of breath I asked about. This would be made especially bad when you lie down.Now, I’ve given you some information that makes it sound very bad, but you’ve just seen your doctor, who did an ECG, which should show some defects in flow if they’re there. Also, if your BP is normal, this should be a good indicator that you’re fine. At the same time, this pain isn’t normal, so it definitely needs to be explained. Another possibility is that it’s heartburn, maybe? This may have already been proposed, and ruled out though. This might also flare up when you lie down, especially if you eat near bedtime.Consider some of these things and be sure to try and take note of what specifically triggers your pain/shortness of breath. If this continues, you should see your doctor again – a cardiologist if the previous doctor was not one.
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A: This does sound like a tyroid disorder to me. Go an get your tyroid checked soon.
Wrist/thumb, finger pain, what is it?
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A: If it’s not carpal tunnel syndrome, it could be a fracture. some fractures don’t swell. it could also be a torn ligament. or it could be a damaged nerve.I’d have it checked. But yes, I know how you feel about those type of doctors.
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