Cheap Ideas to Help You Quit Smoking

Attempting to quit smoking costs nearly as much as smoking, in terms of dollars and cents. That’s one excuse smokers use to not try a cessation program and kick the habit; it costs too much. These cheap ideas (some are even free!) will remove that excuse from the table so you can quit smoking and actually keep that New Years resolution this year.

Free Phone Counseling

One on one counseling will help create a smoking cessation program that is tailored just for you, but it does cost a pretty penny. Go with the free version and get free phone counseling via your state’s quit smoking hotline. Each state offers five free phone counseling sessions with a trained counselor (usually someone who has been in your shoes) that will help discover a plan of action that’s right for you.

Free Group Counseling Sessions

The next best thing to one on one counseling is group counseling, and free is the right price. Your local hospital or university may offer free smoking cessation programs and in some cases may even offer to pay you to participate in a new program. Nicotine Anonymous also offers free group meetings for those trying to quit smoking. Call or go online to discover what groups are near you.

Free or Cheap Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine patches, gum or lozenges have helped many people kick the habit by helping them get through the withdrawal stages. Nicotine is still delivered to the system via Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in ever decreasing doses to slowly wean the body off it’s dependence on nicotine. Many states offer free NRTs if you participate in their free phone counseling programs. If your state does not offer free NRT, call your insurance company to find out if they reimburse the price of nicotine patches, gum or lozenges. And if you strike out of free NRTs, the store brand versions of nicotine replacement products are just as good as the name brand but cost much less.

Prescription Drugs to Stop Smoking

If you want to try prescription drugs like Zyban or Chantix to help you quit smoking, talk to your doctor about the generic version of the drugs. Some drug companies also offer patient assistance programs (Partnership for Prescription Assistance) to help get the drugs for a greatly reduced price or even free.

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