Your HIV status will be negative, only if, you didn’t have any sexual involvement, for at least, the ten weeks, before the test. Otherwise, the virus mayn’t show, because of the window period .Congratulations; if you’re negative, but to stay safe, you must adhere to this.

Better abstain from sex, till a covenant marriage relationship, with somebody, of a similar status; that’s, if you’re single. You’ll then be expected, to be faithful to one another.

You could have tested negative, when in the window period. Don’t involve yourself sexually, for at least, ten weeks, prior to testing. After the lapse, you’re safe, if you’ve tested negative.

You must choose between-your partner, ending the promiscuity, and terminating, the relationship, immediately, for safety purposes, if you’re negative, but in a sexual relationship,-which can expose, you to the virus.

Safe sex is abstinence, for singles, faithfulness for the married, and condom use, for those that can’t do without it. Remember; safe sex, is only safe, but not100%.The choice, is definitely yours, if in a risky relationship-because sooner or later, you’ll contract the virus.

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