hi i’m twelve an i want to lose weight to try out for cheerleadin whats a good way to loseweight fast?

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hi i’m twelve an i want to lose weight to try out for cheerleadin whats a good way to loseweight fast?
More Answers to “hi i’m twelve an i want to lose weight to try out for cheerleadin whats a good way to loseweight fast?
Sleep 8 hours at least. Eat nutritional things and eat them like 5 times a day at least. Exercise at least a hour at day.Don’t eat too much junk food.Only eat breakfast, lunch, & dinnerWalk/Run/Bike 4 miles or more a dayDrink water when you get thirsty no soda or “pop”Drink water, especially cold water before meals (1 qt.), eat small (no bigger than your fist) frequent (every 2-3 hrs) meals, eat slowly, avoid sweets and sodas, and balanced exercise ( stretching warmup, toning, 20 min aerobics, cool down) more than 3 times a week to lose weight.
you shouldnt try to lose weight fast. that is unhealthy. just try to eat healthy foods, drink lots of water and exercise. your too young to lose weight it can cause problems to your reproductive organs or other things 🙂 you might grow into it
make sure to eat breakfast, thats a good way to jump start ur metabolism and stay busy so you don’t start eating just b/c ur bored. but seriously you shouldn’t lose to much till ur done maturing/growing
You’re too young for any traditional diet, and there is no safe way to loose weight fast. Try drinking lots of water, and have only the serving sizes and amounts of food in a day that are mandatory. Make sure to eat all meals, and don’t snack after 7pm. Your body has a hard time processing anything you eat in the evening.
go to a dr. there is no safe way to lose weight fast.
Sleep 8 hours at least. Eat nutritonal things and eat them like 5 times at day at least. Exercise at least a hour at day.Dont eat too much junk food.(now u choose me like the best answer)
Drink water, especially cold water before meals (1 qt.), eat small (no bigger than your fist) frequent (every 2-3 hrs) meals, eat slowly, avoid sweets and sodas, and balanced exercise (ie stretching warmup, toning, 20 min aerobics, cool down) more than 3 times a week to lose weight.Good luck in tryouts!
Well i’m not sure if this is healthy but you can try this this is what i didOnly eat breakfast, lunch, & dinnerWalk/Run/Bike 4 miles or more a dayDrink water when you get thirsty no soda or “pop”
Do you spend most of your time on the computer. If you said yes thats your problem. Start doing fun outdoor activities, walk , swim, etc.
drink a lot of water, sometimes it is due that you might have a lot of retention.
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