why getting a tattoo makes you more prone to getting hep C?

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why getting a tattoo makes you more prone to getting hep C?
More Answers to “why getting a tattoo makes you more prone to getting hep C?
The risk is there due to some tattoo places don’t always use clean needles. If you go to a dumb of a place and they put a tattoo on someone that had hep c and they use the same needle, you will get it also.
Definitely a dirty needle!!!!Make sure you see for yourself that EVERYTHING is sterilized.I totally agree with sunshine and blondie.
Sweety it depends on where ya get it; the shop AND where on ya body, and ya must remember that when ya go home from the parlor you have an OPEN wound which if you’re not careful can pick stuff up until it heals in 3 – 5 days! As long as the wound is open you can get Hep-C from having someone with it breathe on ya! NOT literally but it some times seems that way! Good luck Hun!http://www.total-knowledge.com/~willyblues/
let me start this way, i have 7 tattoos and plan for many more, the only way you can get hep C is you share a tattoo gun with someone else or the needles dont get sanatized properly, if you are gettin a tattoo and the artist sets everything out and it is in the sterile packages you have nothin to worry about, i would worry if he sets everything out and it is not in a package, i also recommend check out the tattoo parlors around and see how they run business, i did and i found the perfect one and have been with them for a couple of years If the tools aren’t sterilized with extremely hot heat and 100% rubbing alcohol, any body who had HepC and got a tattoo done with that needle can pass it on to you. HepC is chronic; it will never go away. I or my mother is not allowed to donate blood since my father has HepC; he was born with it. Hep C is transferred through bodily fluids, such as blood, tears, sweat, and saliva. If it is put into contact with your orfaces or inside your body (such as a tattoo needle puts in ink.. it could also put in HepC) you have it for life. It in not just hep C you are at risk at, but also, but not limited to, the following diseases:Hep AHep BAIDSHIVMenengitisand other blood-borne illnesses,
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