Women Only: what is the best brand douche?

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Women Only: what is the best brand douche?
More Answers to “Women Only: what is the best brand douche?
there is no best brand. douching is really bad for your body you should not do it. no doctor anywhere recomends it. in fact if doctors had their way there would be no douches sold. so stop worring about your normal body odor. if it smells foul or feels itchy and unclean you probalby have an infection.stop trying to cover it if it is and see a doctor.
I agree, and have been told by by my gyno, douche is not good for you your vagina has a natural cleansing system and if you use douche it messes it up. Makes you prown to yeast and bacterial infections. If you already have a smell you may have a bacterial infection and it may require antibiotics. Call and talk to your gynocologist. Stay away from douche…!
don’t douche it throws off your ph balance but if you do they say massengil.
Summers eve
lactacyd/ carefree
don’t douche! as the previous posters wrote- douching can cause infections that you don’t want to have like yeast or bacteria! it kills off all the good bacteria you have that prevents other infections. if you’ve never had vaginitis before trust me- you don’t want it! As they mentioned, if there is a bad smell like fish it is more likely to be a bacterial infection. many women with bacterial infections don’t know they have one because many don’t have any symptoms besides a slight smell and/or discharge. if it is a yeasty/bread/beer smell it is more likely to be a yeast infection, which also many women are unaware they have until their doctor looks at a sample under a microscope and/or cultures it. if you want to douche because you think there is a smell you should get in to see your doctor.
summers eve is the best
Douche is unhealthy, regardless of “brand”. It screws up the chemistry of your vagina, makes you prone to yeast infections, and does nothing more than perfume your vagina. If you have so much odor that you require something, then you probably already have a yeast infection. Stay away from douche.
The last two answers are the same thing I have heard from my gyny. Your body produces its own wayof cleaning, chemicals can interupt that or induce other problems.
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