What are the first 5 signs of being pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the first 5 signs of being pregnant”,you can compare them.

Implantation bleeding which happens six to 12 days after conception. Nausea and vomiting are the symptoms listed. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-first-5-signs-of-being-pregnant ]
More Answers to “What are the first 5 signs of being pregnant
Can you feel the signs of being pregnant in the first 5 days or w…?
You won’t feel symptoms of pregnancy AT LEAST until implantation, which occurs between 6 and 12 days after conception (usually day 8), because this is when your body starts producing hCG, the pregnanch hormone. But, most women still won’t e…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the first 5 signs of being pregnant?
A: And of course a positive pregnancy test.
can you feel the signs of being pregnant in the first 5 days or week after having sex?
Q: thanks in advance=)
A: You won’t feel symptoms of pregnancy AT LEAST until implantation, which occurs between 6 and 12 days after conception (usually day 8), because this is when your body starts producing hCG, the pregnanch hormone. But, most women still won’t experience any symptoms until they are expecting their periods – and these symptoms will most likely resemble PMS symptoms (sore breats, mild cramping, moodiness, fatigue), so they wouldn’t necessarily realize they were from pregnancy. Morning sickness usually doesn’t kick in until around 6 weeks. But, every woman is different.
40 weeks 5 days pregnant and no signs of labor?
Q: I’m now 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I’m showing no signs of labor. I’m not dilated, baby is still high, no loss of mucus plug, etc. Anyone else ever been in this position?
A: Oh yes. I was 10 days late, put on the induction list, and he came that night on his own. It can all happen in a flash! Don’t worry, your baby will be here soon! If this is your second plus pregnancy, many babies wont drop until labor starts.Good luck, and stay strong! God knows that 40 week is long enough. Haha.
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