How can I maximize building muscle

How can I maximize building muscle

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Build muscle by strength training, alternate muscle groups so they can rebuild between workouts, drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet high in protein, get enough sleep and hire a trainer to help you. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I maximize building muscle
How can i maximize weight loss/muscle building with only a treadm…?
Well we’re into July and people are really starting to notice your body because you’re wearing those shorts, tank-top, bikini or even going nude on the beach. So, as we’re into mid-summer I’ve been asked by people training at the gym, col…
How to maximize your Muscle Building Nutrition
which supplements actually work and which are total junk. Stop getting scammed and unearth the insider secrets about supplements. Exploit my ultimate training techniques – this is about giving you the full head-turning package… muscular b…
What is the maximum age for muscle building?
There is not maximum age. No matter your age, building muscle takes work, but is not impossible.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can i maximize weight loss/muscle building with only a treadmill and/or exercises like pushups?
Q: Diet isn’t an issue, I eat very healthy.
A: Well we’re into July and people are really starting to notice your body because you’re wearing those shorts, tank-top, bikini or even going nude on the beach. So, as we’re into mid-summer I’ve been asked by people training at the gym, colleagues, friends, and family members questions about building muscle/losing weight/losing fat. Each of these goals are very different.2 of the most common questions I get are:a) How do I gain muscle quickly?b) How do I lose the top layer of fat over my abs (this is extremely common as you know)?The answer to these questions are quite simple. Unfortunately, at least in my experience, most people giving advice on the subject are quite misinformed and lack knowledge to answer properly.The truth is very simple actually. As a past professional boxer and current fitness trainer, I, by the grace of God was given the keys to this secret through networking. A professional football player whom I met, who at the time was playing in the CFL, provided me with 3 simple rules:So here they are:1) If you want to gain muscle – sprint2) If you want to lose weight – jog3) If you want to lose fat – walkWant proof? Run on a treadmill at a consistent speed and see what happens… maybe you’ve experienced this yourself. Do you still have that top layer of fat over your abs? You should!Do you have crazy muscle? You shouldn’t! Are you skinnier then you were before? You should be!Running makes you lose weight and it makes causes you to lose your muscle. It’s incredible how many people complain about not being able to lose fat… that is, the top layer of fat above their skin via running. They complain about running everyday and not being able to get rid of this fat.It’s simple – walk. Walk for 30 minutes per day. You’ll see results in the months to come.Take a look at joggers/sprinters/power walkers. Look at pictures and compare many of them. Follow the law of large numbers as there are exceptions (i.e. people who do all 3!) The answer will manifest in your eyes if you do this.Have you ever seen a picture of Usayn Bolt? Now he is super built. As his main activity is sprinting, we can conclude that he is clearly building muscle from this exercise. Sprinting is known to build muscle and agreed upon by doctors as well. Compare now to a Kenyan long-distance jogger…. they are very skinny.You could always take up boxing and start hitting the punch bags in rounds to build muscle. The key is to train in intervals and go hard for short bursts. That is why sprinting will help you build muscle.If you’re a boxer, doing this will help build up your upper body very quickly. I hope this article helps you in reaching your fitness goals.
How does stemulite help build muscle?
Q: How does stemulite help build muscle? And i heard that they have a work out that maximizes muscle build up does any one know what it is?AND CAN IT HELP BUILD A SIX PACK?
A: Hi,I’m the Fitness Consultant with Metabolic Research, Inc., the company that makes Stemulite.There are several ingredients in Stemulite that can help make your workouts more effective by decreasing lactic acid buildup during exercise, decreasing inflammation between workouts and increasing energy conversion at the cellular level.Frankly, if you look hard enough, you can find most of the ingredients elsewhere.The main ingredient that makes Stemulite different, however, is a proprietary extract that “stimulates” (get it?) “sleeping” stem cells to repair microdamaged muscle fibers. The original studies on rats (using similar extracts) showedan increase in the size of satellite muscle cells. Check U.S. Patent 7074812, Development of muscle mass in a mammal. It’s the patent that led to the development of Endothil CR which later led to Stemulite. – Stephen……………………………………………………Stephen Holt2003 American Council on Exercise “Personal Trainer of the Year”
I’m really tall, what’s the best way to build muscle?
Q: I’m 6’8″ and thin. I do work out, but my muscles don’t seem to build as good as other people. How can I improve my workout to maximize muscle build?
A: You just don’t have the body type that grows muscles easily. I think what is important is that you only workout three times per week. Then your muscles have enough time to properly rebuild themselves.The other thing is not to give up. Your muscles will grow it will just take you longer.You could have your testosterone level checked to be sure it is within normal levels. If it was low it could keep your muscles from getting as bulky as they would otherwise. But most likely your very long muscles just need more time to bulk up.

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