How many crunches should be done a day

How many crunches should be done a day

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It depends on how fit you are to begin with. If you are trying to define you abs you need to lose body fat or else you won’t see them no matter how strong they are. Do 30 minutes of cardio 3-5 days per week. Thanks. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many crunches should be done a day
Should crunches/sit-ups, be done daily or every other day? which …?
It all depends, I would do it only when you are not sore. Like if you do them one night and the next night you are sore then don’t do them. The soreness is called D.O.M.S. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It is GOOD. That actually means you w…
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Crunches don’t get a six pack. Changing your diet does. Six pack is a product of a low body fat percentage, not the amount of crunches you do. Eat a clean diet with daily calorie deficit, exercise and you’ll do fine.
How many crunches a day should i be doing?
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take to get abs? How many crunches should i do per day?
Q: Hi,Im 15 years old, i weigh 107 pounds and i wanna get 6 abs by april. Right now i do about 150 crunches/day. I don’t really have a layer of fat over my belly and i run for school track team. So can anyone tell me the right thing to do and how long will i take me to see my 6 abs?
A: good job and trying to improve your fittnessTo gain abs you need to do sit ups, crunches, roman sit ups, leg lifts and you need to do as many as you can with 1 min break in between 1 set,You need a healthy diet and keep your cardio goingMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year
How many crunches a day should I do for good results?
Q: I’m a young teen who is skinny.I would love to know how to get proper toned ab muscles. How many crunches on the floor should I do a day to get results?
A: So you NEVER work out right??? Assuming that i’d say do about 30-50 normal crunches and then do about 15-20 alternating bicycles (crunch upward but off to a diagonal while rotating your legs like you’re riding a bike) and 10 leg ups ( raise your butt up with your legs stiff in the air to make your lower abs crunch). Make sure you stretch your belly a lil after because you’ll be feeling it tomorrow. Afterwards I’d keep up with 50 a day or whatever is comfortable until you find that too easy.
How many crunches a day should a 16 year old girl do to get nice abs?
Q: My height is 5’1 and I weigh 103. I have waist 27 and hips 33.5I turn 17 years old in September. I really badly want to tone my abs because my worst fear is a fat stomach. How many crunches should I do a day? Should I do it everyday?Please give me some details.Thank You
A: You need a full core/ab routine. Not just crunches.Also, diet and exercise (workouts besides abs) play a huge part into it as well. A high protein/fiber low fat diet (with moderate carbs) is just as important as the workouts.

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