How can you bench press more

How can you bench press more

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For a strong bench press I believe that you should only workout the whole body once a week. One bench day a week is enough (there is one program I will mention that does work later.). You should only try to gain at the most 5 pounds a week on MORE. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you bench press more
・ 1 Begin by lying back on the bench and lining up your hands on the bar. Your hands should be shoulder… ・ 2 Position your feet so that they are flat on the ground. Focus on feeling very stable and comfortable… ・ 3 Breathe in, and maint…
The bench press is done by laying down on your back onto a weight bench and holding a barbell with both hands. Position your hands about shoulder width and push using mostly your shoulder muscles (deltoids) and chest muscles (pectoralis maj…
・ Begin by lying flat on the bench, with your body in a natural and relaxed position. Make sure that you… ・ Put your arms straight out to either side of you, and then bend your elbows, bringing your hands up to… ・ Begin with just the ba…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When bench press weight lifting which muscles are worked more in what position?
Q: When lifting weights via bench press, having your hands closer together or farther apart affects which muscles are worked more. So does having your hands close on the bar work the pecks more, or having them apart work the pecks more?
A: close=tricepswide=pecsboth work the anterior delt, serratus anterior, triceps.
How long will it take me to bench press more wieghts?
Q: Hi, I’m 15 years old, wiegh 132 pounds, and work out 3-4 times a week.My metabolism is very fast, but I eat a lot. By now I can bench press 110 lbs. 8 times.How long do you thing will it take me to bench press more wieghts.
A: Start with 3 sets of 8 reps at 110 pounds. Work your way up to 3 sets of 12 reps. When you can do 3 sets of 12 reps easily, add weight, drop back down to sets of 8 and repeat the process. It won’t take that long to improve your bench. If you’re really committed, you’ll probably be benching 115 pounds in a couple of weeks.
How come bench press is more effective on triceps than military press?
Q: Don’t they have the same concept in terms of lifting arms? I thought the only difference between the two was bench press focuses on chest while military focuses on shoulders. Am I wrong?
A: It seems to me that because of the incline on the military press, the shoulders are the focus, shifting the tension a bit off of the tricep. And, of course, the shoulders are also worked in the bench press. But the arms are worked in both, like you said. It’s got to be an enlargment of the role of the shoulder in the military press, because of the angle of motion, that makes the difference.

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