How do i gain chest muscle

How do i gain chest muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do i gain chest muscle”,you can compare them.

There are many exercises you can do for your chest such as Incline Barbell Bench Press, Barbell Pullovers, Exercise Ball Push Ups. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i gain chest muscle
How to Gain Chest Muscle
In this article are three exercises which will help you build chest muscle fast and easily. Even better, not very much equipment is required for getting started on working on those chest muscles. If you use the right exercises, building che…
How To Build Your Chest Muscles
How to Build Chest Muscle (Pecs) … I have to admit, when I first started lifting weights years ago, chest day was always my favorite day. Even now, working out the chest muscles is still one of my favorite days, along with all my other da…
What can I do to gain chest muscle?
In order to gain chest muscle, and by that I assume you mean build the foundation of muscle for a well defined chest, you just have to do power lifts that target what part of the pecs you need developed. Bench presses, a lot of them, with m…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: Ok heres a 2 questioner for you guys, whats the best way to gain chest muscle AND whats the best way to gain it with only dumbells? *I love working out and i do need to do it more but im juss wonder whats the fastest and most effectiv wat to do it?*
A: Man there is no shortcut, just put your time in like everybody else. Chest presses, but the problem with dumb bells is you’re limited as for movement. I suppose you can adjust your bench to work different areas of the chest. If you work all the large muscle groups of your body, it will make muscle grow faster. Work the legs and back as well as chest. Working the large muscles increases testerone which builds more muscle everywhere.
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Q: my chest is define but flat, its only 2-3 inches thick. how can i put some muscle on it?
A: train , weights combined with protein the chest area with weight training.but it takes time so persist and wait for results
Whats the best work out to gain bicep/tricep muscle and chest muscle using dumbells?
Q: Ive been working out for a while and im trying to gain alote of muscle in my bicep/tricep muscle and chest muscle. Whats the best work out to gain muscle in these areas fast and safe? And i only have dumbells and the floor (for pushups)
A: sup dude.. nice to hear u want to build your chest and arms :)alright if u only have dumbells u can for chest.. 1. lay flat do dumbell press 4 sets X 6 – 8 reps2. if u can elevate the bench do incline dumbell presstriceps 1. over head tricep extension arms up both arms holding dumbell bend the elbows and forearms… 4 sets 6 – 8 reps2. tricep kickbacks.. put one arm to your side bending over.. and kick your arm back 4 sets 6 – 8 repsbiceps.. sitting bicep curl 4 sets 6 – 8 repsstanding bicep curl 4 sets 6 – 8 repsgoodluck..and train your abs everyother day… 5 mins a shoteat more proteinwhen u get bored of this sign up at a a gym

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