How many calories are burned roller skating

How many calories are burned roller skating

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are burned roller skating”,you can compare them.

You can burn 346 calories per hour by roller skating. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are burned roller skating
How many calories do you burn during Skating, roller??
Enter your information to get an estimate of how many calories you burn.
How many calories does roller skating burn off?
not too much. Its not a very cardio-pumping workout errr maybe 500-1000? depends on your weight
How many calories do you burn after roller skating for 4 hours??
I never roller skated in my life. Is it fun?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories does roller skating burn off?
Q: I just skated from about 8:30 to 10:15 on roller skates and I was just curious about how many calories estimated I burned off
A: not too much. Its not a very cardio-pumping workouterrr maybe 500-1000?depends on your weight
How many calories do you burn after roller skating for 4 hours?
Q: I’m 13, 5’5″, and 118 ibs.It’s awesome! You should totally try it!!
A: I never roller skated in my life. Is it fun?
how much calories does roller skating burn?
Q: i just skated from about 8:30 to 10:15 on roller skates and i was just curious about how many calories estimated i burned off thanks 🙂
A: it depends on your weight. go to, select the activity, your weight, and the time spent ( 1 hour, 45 minutes), and it will tell you – and it’s pretty accurate! good luck!

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