What health benefits does running have for you

What health benefits does running have for you

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What health benefits does running have for you”,you can compare them.

Running regularly can help with weight loss, fighting aging and disease, and with generally staying healthy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-health-benefits-does-running-have-for-you ]
More Answers to “What health benefits does running have for you
What are the health benefits of running?
The benefits of vigorous exercise are well described. The American College of Sports Medicine Position Statement on Exercise is a document chock-full of studies proving that vigorous exercise yields plenty of health benefits. One of the maj…
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I run outdoors… I find treadmills to be rather boring and running outdoors you get fresh air and you can socialize with other people. Plus I run Crosscountry so im use to running outdoors
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i started exercising about 2 years ago. my routine was (now changed due to not enough time for my schedule) stretching, sit-ups, push-ups, i did some weight lifting for different parts of my body everyday, then i would do the abs, and to fi…

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A: it depends. if the guy with the bat that is chasing you has any kind of stamina, the benefits of running an especially long distance are numerous and significant
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Q: I know running burns more calories in the same amount of time, but if I just take up walking, how do the long-term health benefits compare? Is running more heart-healthy, or are they about the same? What are the pros and cons of each?
A: Some people develop knee/foot problems with running. Walking is all-round healthier ( less brutal to the body) . But that means brisk walking not leisure walking.
What are some health benefits of running?
Q: It can also have to do with cardio, but I need more details about it. You also need to explain why it is a benefit.
A: Benefits of Running:1) It’s one of the best ways to BURN AWAY FAT.2) Running (or any other cardiovascular exercise) releases endorphins, which MAKES YOU HAPPIER and COUNTERACTS THE EFFECTS OF STRESS for up to a day!3) Running also promotes the RELEASE OF THE HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE, which KEEPS YOU LOOKING AND FEELING YOUNG! 4) Your heart is a huge muscle and running gives that large muscle a work-out. Just as if you were lifting weights to strengthen your arms or legs, running INCREASES THE STRENGTH OF YOUR HEART. When your heart is stronger, it can pump more blood with every beat. Thus, it can beat less often and still get the necessary oxygen to your body. The overall affect is a DECREASE IN BLOOD PRESSURE AND SITTING HEART RATE. It also reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.5) Your IMMUNE SYSTEMS gets a BOOST when you run. The cardiovascular exercise causes an increase in white blood cells (lymphocytes) that fight off disease for you.6) IMPROVED SLEEP because the run gets out pent up emotions, stress and energy. Over the long term, you’ll even see an increase in your overall energy during the day and deeper, more sound sleep at night.

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