What are good exercises that target abs

What are good exercises that target abs

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Ab exerxise – Bicycle exercise – Lie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head. 2. Bring the knees in…MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-exercises-that-target-abs ]
More Answers to “What are good exercises that target abs
What exercises target abs and chest? and overal body fat?
Most cardio such as running, walking, and swimming.
Can You do Targeted Exercises For Lower Abs?
There are no special exercises for lower abs. All you need to do is remove the body fat over the area and you will see your abdominal muscles. And remember myth number 3: there’s no such thing as spot fat removal . All you can do is lower y…
What are good exercises to target lower abs and inner thighs??
The most important exercises you can do to improve the look of you abs and inner thighs are cardiovascular workouts. It sounds as though you’ve already started a workout routine that targets your muscles. Now it’s time to lower you body fat…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are good exercises to target your lower abs?
Q: I have done excersises (different kinds of crunches) that only target your upper abs (above the belly button).what are some good excersises that will target below and around the belly button?any links if possible would be appreciated.
A: Do leg lifts, they HURT but they WORK!
What are good exercises to target lower abs and inner thighs?
Q: I’m looking to tone up just a little more and no matter how much I exercise it doesn’t help these two areas and help?
A: The most important exercises you can do to improve the look of you abs and inner thighs are cardiovascular workouts. It sounds as though you’ve already started a workout routine that targets your muscles. Now it’s time to lower you body fat percentage so you can see them. It’s kinda like laying a blanket over a wooden board, no matter how hard the board it underneath, you’ll never be able to tell. Also, if you want killer abs you need to eat right. You can’t starve yourself and expect you body to build muscle. You need to give it the right tools. You need to eat a diet high in protein and low in fat. Once you’ve got all these down you should start to see definition once you body fat percentage drops to 8-10% for men and 14-16% for women. The best exercises for rapid definition would be ones that target many groups at once, think bicycles for abs and inner thigh lunges. Keep in mind that for a lot of people those “last few pounds” are sometimes mostly water weight. However, don’t think you can get rid of that by dehydrating yourself. It is best eliminated by the exact opposite. When you body is dehydrated it hoards the water it can get. so drink lots and lots of water and eat minimal salt. When I do the above for summer I normally can get a six pack in about a month and a half, so don’t expect results right away.Good luck!
What are some good exercises that target the lower abs??
Q: I have a four pack, my upper abs are just how I want them, but I cannot get my lower abs firm. I need some reali good exercises to firm them and tighten them.
A: 10 situps10 V-ups (Touch your hands to your toes, but crunch your body so that they meet midway in the air)10 lemon squeezers (Position yourself sitting up, put hands at side, and move your torso back into a laying position while extending your legs straight ahead. Now just row your legs to a bend while crunching toward them w/ your torso, then go back to laying position. repeat process)10 back hypers (lay on stomach, basically a reverse cruncher)10 Leg lifts (Lay on back, lift straight legs to 45 degree angle, then bring back to ground)30 seconds of bicycles (Lay on ground, and mimick a bicycle pedal motion w/ your legs)10 side crunchers each side10 regular crunchers30 seconds of flutter kicks (Lay on back, keep both legs straight. Lift them up bairly, now alternate between raising each leg a little bit and brining it back down. This one is tought at first, but after a week it will be easy. Try to think of being a swimmer while doing this one)10 kick ups (Lay down, bring knees up toward chest, then kick legs upward to become straight in the air.)10 side double leg lifts (Hard to explain, basically lay on side, and lift both legs simultaneously as high as you can. Will feel weird at first)10 Forward Rows (Way too hard to explain, google it)10 Russian Twists (Google it)10 Scissor Kicks (Lay on back, spread leags apart in air, bring them back to center with one leg above the other, then alternate to mimick a scissor kicking action)Finish with a bridge for however long you think you can do it.Once this routine becomes easy, don’t up the reps, just do the whole routine twice. (Left a few out for explanation’s sake)Then also do your run at night. Cut excessive fat out of your diet, but you can have a little still.Do it and you will have some abs.

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