What cardio workout burns the most calories

What cardio workout burns the most calories

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What cardio workout burns the most calories”,you can compare them.

Swimming or step aerobics burns 400 calories in 30 minutes! ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-cardio-workout-burns-the-most-calories ]
More Answers to “What cardio workout burns the most calories
What cardio workout burns the most calories?
Swimming, jumping rope, running and bike riding are all up there at around 700 calories an hour. If you are a fast runner, that would be the best option, as you can burn even more if you are running less than a ten minute mile.
How to Calculate Calories Burned During a Cardio Workout?
・ Step 1: Visit a Web site with an online calculator for burning calories, such as ChangingShape.com (see… ・ Step 2: Calculate how many calories you burn during 1 minute for each of your favorite cardio exercises… ・ Step 3: Let computer…
Does muscle training burn more calories than a cardio workout? Wh…?
A Cardio workout burns calories faster than muscle building…partly due to the increased heart-rate (as the heart itself burns more calories to pump blood to the working muscles, the muscles themselves are also in continuous motion – which…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what cardio workout burns the most calories?
A: Swimming, jumping rope, running and bike riding are all up there at around 700 calories an hour. If you are a fast runner, that would be the best option, as you can burn even more if you are running less than a ten minute mile.
What is a quick cardio workout that burns lots of calories that i can do at home?
Q: I had a lot to eat today and i want to burn off the extra calories. I want to get to bed soon, so it has to be a quick workout that i can do at home!!!
A: Calories is a large topic when it comes to weight loss. We need to learn 3 definitions: the number of calories in our food, the number of calories a certain activity burns every sixty minutes, and last but not least our own personal daily limit of calories. I learned the responses to all of these questions by following the web resource in the box below, they have plenty of tips, I shed 10 pounds by following their helpful advice.
How do i extend my cardio workout and burn more calories without passing out?
Q: I usually do a cardio workout of about 22 mins(pre-cool down) 4 mins at 4.0 mph, 1 min of 5.0 mph, and the rest at 5.7 mph. I havent been to the gym in 2 days and was hoping to extend my workout and burn more calories. How can I pace myself for 40 minutes without passing out? I was hoping to run 4-5 miles instead of the usual 2.3 or so…
A: do cardio exercise that burns more calories in less time! Try the elliptical trainer or spin classes

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