What is a good way to strengthen your back muscles

What is a good way to strengthen your back muscles

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good way to strengthen your back muscles”,you can compare them.

Deadlifts, bent over rows and shrugs are good ways to strengthen your back muscles. Claus loves exercise! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-strengthen-your-back-muscles ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to strengthen your back muscles
Is belly dancing a good way to get fit and strengthen back and co…?
It depends where you’re starting from. If you’ve never danced before, then belly dancing is a great way to get started. If you have a good teacher who knows good technique, then you’ll find it excellent for your tummy and back muscles, and …
What is the best way to strengthen the low back muscles??
i have lower back strains but that is because i run. my back muscles are stronger then abdomen muscles and that causes an imbalance. the best way is starting swimming. the best sport for the body… and a thing to do for now (not instead of…
What are some good ways to strengthen back muscles?
Echoing the sentiments of the other gentleman here: Get cleared by a doc for exercise.. and then.. deadlifts… deadlifts.. and more deadlifts. You can throw hyperextensions in there if you like. Did I mention deadlifts? I’d reset betwee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is belly dancing a good way to get fit and strengthen back and core muscles?
Q: I’d like to take some kind of dance class that can get my body in shape by strengthening my tummy and back muscles and increasing overall flexibility is belly dancing a good option and does anyone have any other suggestions?
A: It depends where you’re starting from. If you’ve never danced before, then belly dancing is a great way to get started. If you have a good teacher who knows good technique, then you’ll find it excellent for your tummy and back muscles, and for flexibility in your upper body. It won’t do anything for flexibility of the legs, though, unless you do Tribal Belly Dance which incorporates yoga in its warm-ups. If you have some dance or gymnastic experience, you’ll get results faster with ballet or jazz ballet or contemporary – but they’re hard to take up as an adult if you’ve never done dancing before.Sirenahttp://bellydanceoz.com
What is a good way to strengthen the muscles in your hand for being able to squeeze things tightly?
Q: I want to be able to strengthen my hand so I can squeeze things and grip things a lot more tightly especially when I’m working on a job that requires a tight grip. In essence, I want to strengthen my hand to where I can squeeze things very tight. Does anyone know what I can do?
A: Keep practicing with a rubbery foam ball or a racquetball. Do it while you’re watching TV or whatever.
What is the safest and most effective way to exercise and strengthen the muscles in your back?
A: xes shfuhsuf

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