What is the average weight of an American

What is the average weight of an American

Health related question in topics Demographics Fitness Pets .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average weight of an American”,you can compare them.

Men: 190 lbs. 69.3 inches tall Women: 163 lbs. 63.8 inches tall ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-of-an-american ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight of an American
What is an average weight for American women?
Average changes by age. Pretty much all the younger women I know are quite slim, so I’d say their average is around 120 – 130. Middle-aged women weigh a bit more because of childbearing etc. so I’d put their average around 160 – 170 or so. …
What is the average weight of an American adult?
For an American man or woman there is no ‘average’ weight because weight is related to height and body composition (this applies to men and women worldwide). For more information about weight in relation to height and body composition, see …
How much weight does the average American gain with age??
The average weight increase of men is about 5 pounds per decade, in women it is 3.5 pounds per decade.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What the average weight for an american woman?
Q: Does anyone know what your average american woman’s weight is?
A: its about 130..honestly
What is the average weight of an american adult?
Q: What is the average weight of an american adult?
A: 150 pounds…
what is the average weight for an american pitbull?
Q: my dog is about 2 years old and is about 80lbs.i was wondering if he’s going to get any bigger & whats the average weight for an american pit?
A: Yes ,your Pit is about normal weight, he may gain some bulk in his shoulders. Give him lots of exercise to keep him about his normal weight.Our 3 males(Pits) weigh 70 -80 pounds while our female only weighs 60 pounds.Good Luck

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