What can help you get taller

What can help you get taller

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If you are in good health already there is nothing more you can do to grow taller. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-help-you-get-taller ]
More Answers to “What can help you get taller
What can help me get taller?
Hey There are many ways that can help you to grow taller. check these helpful methods to grow taller faster: sleep well Getting a full night’s sleep every day is one of the things that you must do if you want to grow taller. Get at least 7 …
What Foods Help You Grow?
Anything with calories. There is no food which is conducive to acquiring height.
Does milk help you get taller?
Only if you are a child and have not yet finished growing.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I get taller and thinner?
Q: I’m 14 and my height is 5’9” also my weight is 145lbs. I weigh a lot i know. But I really want to get taller so I don’t look as fat because of my stomach and thighs. I know I’m tall for a girl but I want to be taller. So can anyone tell me how to do so. Please and thank you!! Peace Love and Happiness
A: 145 lbs dosen’t sound like a lot for 5’9″!!! You still have a lot of growing to do so don’t stress over it, you will continue to grow tall and slim down as you grow tall. Oh yes, note: acai berry DOES NOT WORK!!!
Is there any kind of pill or substance that can make you taller?
Q: I am in Highschool and i wan’t to play varsity but i have to get taller. PLEASE HELP
A: no
What type of stretching exercises will help me grow 1/2 inches taller ?
A: There are LOTS of stretches that will help you grow taller. Just remember though that stretches are only part of what should be a fairly comprehensive growth program.Other factors that you must consider are other exercises, diet, supplements, and other things as well. There are actually programs that you can find online that put this all together for you, but be careful if you are looking into getting one, as a lot of them are garbage.But here are some stretches that I found to be very effective: * The Leg Stretch- Sit down on the floor with your legs spread as far apart as is comfortable. With one hand, reach for your toes on the same side of your body. Now with your other hand, reach for your other foot. If you can’t reach your feet comfortably, do as far down your leg as possible. The most important thing is to keep your spine straight and pivot from the hips, without arching your spine. * The Bow Down- This one is exactly how it sounds. Stand upright with your hands on your hips. Keep them here throughout the exercise. Leading with your head, bend forward as far as possible. Keep your chin off of your chest and try not to bend your knees. * The Yawn- Another simple but effective stretch. Think of your stretch when you get out of bed in the morning. Stand with your hands held together behind your neck, then look upward and back as far as possible.If you like these and think you can stick to a healthy program, find one and stick with it! Whatever you decide, good luck!

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