What should I do to gain weight even though I eat and eat

What should I do to gain weight even though I eat and eat

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What should I do to gain weight even though I eat and eat”,you can compare them.

To gain weight you need to consume more calories every day from healthy foods and choose the right types of exercise. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-to-gain-weight-even-though-i-eat-and-eat ]
More Answers to “What should I do to gain weight even though I eat and eat
Why do i gain weight even though i dont eat much?
Increase your metabolism. You can do this 2 ways.・ 1. Exercise more. That might be tough to do but just walking for 30 minutes a day consumes a lot of calories … ・ 2. Eat 5 small healthy meals a day. Fruit, vegetables, Special K 90 calori…
Why can’t I gain weight even-though I eat too much?
Maybe you have an overactive thyroid. Or maybe you just have a fast metabolism. Anyway, if you are trying to gain weight by eating lots of junk and drinking sodas, what kind of weight do you think you’ll gain? It will be all fat. And no,…
Why am I gaining weight even though I’m eating healthily??
if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. even healthy food has calories. too much of anything is bad for you. One thing that works for me is: before I eat, I drink a large glass of water, then if I’m still hungry, I won…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: I am trying to get pregnant and I’m 27 at 115lbs and I should be 120 or 125 but even when I eat bad it’s not sticking to me. What should I do.
A: See your doctor to have them evaluate the situation further to see if a hormone imbalance could be causing this such as with the thyroid. Some kinds of hormone imbalances can cause a person to lose weight instead of gaining.
why are some people thin even though they eat and eat a lot and they still dont gain weight?
Q: im one of those people why even though i eat and eat dont i gain any weight?
A: people with a low percentage of body fat (skinny ppl) will have a higher metabolism, which they will burn calories easily during the day. so the higher the metabolism, the easier it is for you to lose weight
Why can’t I gain weight even-though I eat too much?
Q: For the past 3 weeks I’ve been eating two large pizzas a day including 4 coca cola cans and several other high-calorie snacks in between.That must be over 5,000 calories per day. No sport activities.Next morning I see my weight normal as before 3 weeks ago with no change.I’m 28, male and working.
A: Maybe you have an overactive thyroid. Or maybe you just have a fast metabolism. Anyway, if you are trying to gain weight by eating lots of junk and drinking sodas, what kind of weight do you think you’ll gain? It will be all fat. And no, you won’t look better, you’ll look hella worse. So, you need to start working out, and eating the right kinds of food. Then you will put on muscle and fill out. Eat eggs, meat, fish, salads, fruit, whole wheat bread, vegetables, basically anything natural. Drink a lot of milk and plenty of water.

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