Where does fat go when you burn it off

Where does fat go when you burn it off

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Where does fat go when you burn it off”,you can compare them.

When your body turns to fat for energy, your fat cells (triglycerides) provide the fuel for this energy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-does-fat-go-when-you-burn-it-off ]
More Answers to “Where does fat go when you burn it off
Where does fat go when it’s burned off?
fat gets metabolised (broken down) in the liver into smaller componants called fatty acids and glycerol, this releases energy which the body uses. these componants get broken down further and are eventually passed from the blood into waste …
Where does you fat go after you burn it off?
Fat is a fuel, and when it burns, it provides caloric energy for your body to use. It turns into energy.
When you loose weigh where does the fat go is it burned off or wh…?
You burn the fat as an energy form and the waist is excreted through urine, sweat, and fecal matter. The actual fat cells don’t go away (without liposuction), they just get smaller.

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A: It is best removed drinking plenty of water, it helps to pass the waste through the blood stream, it is then processed by the urinary tract and bowels, as waste.
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A: you burn it evenly off your body, so the first place you will see change is where is the thinnest layer of fat (like your face) and the last you will see where is the thickest layer (like belly or butt)(you cant burn fat off one place first and then other -its just what you see)
Does fat literally burn off when you exercise?
Q: Let’s say you eat healthy everyday, making sure not to eat any excess junk. If you exercise on an elliptical for an hour and it says you burned like 800+ calories. How many of those calories did you actually burn off in fat? Does it take a few days to burn fat from that exercise or what?For the sake of the question, you have plenty of excess fat to burn for some reason
A: You won’t get off the elliptical and see your fat lying on the ground if that’s what you’re asking.The fact is, your body needs energy to function. Calories are energy (1 calorie = the amount of energy needed to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree celsius). If you got up one morning and did nothing but sit on the couch, your body would still “burn” calories (this is called your Basal Metabolic Rate – or BMR). That is, it will use calories to carry out the every day funcitons. Think of it like using a power strip. Lets say you have a lamp connected to the power strip and you turn the lamp on all day. This lamp is using electricity to function. Now if you also connect a computer to the same power strip and turn it on, more electricity is drawn to the powerstrip as it is now powering the computer.Let’s say that your body “burns” 1400 calories a day on its own, without any additional exercise. You consumed 1500 calories from food. That means there is 100 calories just hanging around with no where to go. If they hang around long enough without anything to do, your body will store this energy for later use. Calories that are stored as a potential for energy is fat. In theory, if you consume more calories than you “burn”, then you gain weight.You start to “burn” fat when your body runs out of available calories to use as energy. As you exercise, your body uses more and more energy to function. When your body uses all of the energy consumed through foods, it will turn to fat to use the energy it previously stored. In order to lose weight, your body must “burn” more calories than it consumed. However, you should still consume around amount of calories needed for the BMR, as this way you provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins needed to function healthily.So, if you have excess fat, then you can lose it by ensuring your body uses more calories than it consumed in a given day. You won’t be able to exercise on one day, and then notice a weight loss of more than a couple pounds at max – this is because the only thing actually coming off your body is sweat, which is only the water you consumed. The excess fat disapeears when your body gradually draws the energy from it to function, and at the same time you must ensure that you do not replenish those fat stores with unhealthy eating and gorgeing.

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