Why are they called love handles

Why are they called love handles

Health related question in topics Music Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are they called love handles”,you can compare them.

Love Handles (n) is the part of the body of someone that is grabbed while love making, hence the name ‘love handles’. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-they-called-love-handles ]
More Answers to “Why are they called love handles
Why are love handles called LOVE handles?
ok, when your having intercourse with a man and a women, the man will grab onto the womens hips. They are ” making love” therefor they are called “love handles”
What are those machines used to shake away ur love handles called…?
Hi Celema, I am not exactly sure what machine you are speaking of. To get rid of the love handles a good nutrition plan combined with solid exercise routine is the best program. At one time there were machines called belt vibrators that a p…
How can i loose my so-called love handles?
Try doing planks. They are really effective if you keep your abs tight. your abs will be screaming when you wake up the next morning, but it’s a good kind of hurt. Drink a lot of water. 2-3 liters a day is good. don’t chug it but drink it. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are they called “love handles” anyway?
Q: And how exactly does one get rid of them? They’re starting to shrink a little, but it’s taking a while.Well, I had a feeling it something to do w/ love making since that would make sense, but not every name in the world makes sense.And Ronnie, you should know that 1200 calorie diets should only be attempted under doctor supervision and if you’re over 18 which I’m not.
A: They are called love handles because they are something to grab onto during the love making process.How to get rid of them? Exercise!
Why do they call them love handles?
Q: Just wondering why do people call mens hip fat love handles? Does this mean that girls like men with love handles?
A: Um not too sure.Isn’t it coz when you make love you can hold on to the fat.. like handles :Pi heard that somewhere
Why do you suppose they are called “love handles”?
A: I suppose it’s because you can hang to them for balance during the fun parts.

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