Why do I get dizzy after running

Why do I get dizzy after running

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I get dizzy after running”,you can compare them.

After a person stops working out the body’s blood pressure briefly drops causing dizziness. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-get-dizzy-after-running ]
More Answers to “Why do I get dizzy after running
Why do i get dizzy after running?
It may be that you are dehydrated before you run. Can be a lot of reasons but your doc should check your blood pressure as you may be hypotensive (low blood pressure). When you exercise your veins dilate which can also drop your blood press…
Why do I get dizzy after I run?
Need to carry a water bottle with you and sip from time to time. Then you should be fine.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do i get dizzy after running?
Q: when i go running i sometimes get dizzy and feel sick. my trainer has ruled out nutrition and my doc has ruled out asthma and i’m waiting on blood test results. it is worse and more frequent after doing short sprints or lots of squats and then running.
A: It may be that you are dehydrated before you run. Can be a lot of reasons but your doc should check your blood pressure as you may be hypotensive (low blood pressure). When you exercise your veins dilate which can also drop your blood pressure. You need to stop exercising when this happens, sit down, have a drink if you have one, if really bad, lay down and elevate your legs so they higher than your heart, take it slowly when you get up. Also check your pulse when this happens if it is very slow say 40-60, when you expect it to be a lot higher cause your exercising it may be stimulation of the vagus nerve, which makes you feel faint and nauseous.Hope this helps, I get very similar problem, it sucks. Young girls are quite prone to this due to generally lower blood pressure.Take care
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Q: As if I am on the verge of fainting?Could this be due to my lack of sleep? At first I thought it was because I didn’t eat breakfast, but I’ve been eating it lately so.. I’m not really understanding why I get like this every gym class.
A: I used to get dizzy during exercise a lot too – especially around my period. It’s usually due to low blood pressure or low blood sugar.You can try eating a granola bar 30 minutes before exercise, this should give you some good carbohydrates to burn.Also try to ease yourself gradually into your workout. Warm up before you really exert yourself hard.I overcame this with time, and I’m sure you can too.
Ways to help feeling dizzy after running?
Q: I am totally in shape. I would know because after sprints I feel fine. Anyways, I want to know when doing long distance running. Or one sprinting activity after another how do you make your self not dizzy anymore?
A: Sounds like you need to restore your electrolytes or maybe carb up before a workout.

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