How can I improve my ability of jumping higher

How can I improve my ability of jumping higher

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I improve my ability of jumping higher”,you can compare them.

Doing leg exercises to increase the size and power of your leg muscles can help you jump higher. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I improve my ability of jumping higher
How To Improve Jumping Ability
Knowledge is power and in this case it will definitely give you the upper hand. If you want to sky rocket your jumping abilities in the shortest possible time then check out these jumping exercises. They really helped me.
What can I do to improve my jumping ability?
If you are not lifting weights there is definitely a chance for you there. Start out with squats, dead lifts, calf raises. That should work all your leg muscles. If you need more, do lunges and other auxiliaries. Weight training helped me a…
How to improve my jumping ability
The best training for improving leg strength and your vertical jump is called “explosive” training. Many NBA players use it and other Athletes who require leg strength. As the name suggests its a very fast paced movement. Squat Ju…

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A: ok bro I’m a 6’6 sophmore in high school, im the starting center and this is what i do. Its easy and simple. Get a ball, throw it off the backboard and jump as high as you can to grab it. I do a million other things but this helped me the most. Also look online at websites for drills. make sure you jump as high as you can 50 times on the left and right. (or like 25, its tireing for people who havent done it.) also ice after to prevent shin splints. (this does happen sometimes, dont think your invincible)

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