Do you grow more when you sleep

Do you grow more when you sleep

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You do not grow when you are sleeping however you are burning calories. Thanks for texting! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you grow more when you sleep
Do you grow in your sleep?
why? How? Prove? Yes a child grows in their sleep.
Does sleep help you grow?
your long bones grow when you sleep genetics and nutrition determine your ultimate height
Will i grow? 00 ..but sleep for 8 hrs..will i still grow??
I’m older than you and I’m smaller. Not by much though. You’ll probably grow a little more. It really depends on certain things, like how tall your parents are, and things like that.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

More sleep you get the more you grow?
Q: Lets just think of this way like this:You get 6-7 hours of sleep for a year: You grow 1 inchesYou get 8-10 hours of sleep for a year: You grow 2 inchesIm worried because I only slept for like 6-7 hours of sleep when I was growing. Does it make a difference from sleeping less or sleeping more? My parents say sleeping is all about genetics and nutrition. But they admit that you grow while your sleeping.
A: I actually work at a sleep lab and never heard of growing only while you’re asleep.But sleep is very important for your immune system, memory, and concentration … to name a few. It sounds like you are a young person. If you’re still in school you should be getting about 10 hours per night.I can imagine without adequate sleep that it’s possible that there may be a sort of ripple effect that COULD lead to minimal loss in growth.6-7 hours is NOT enough sleep for anybody except senior citizens. 7-8 hours for adults. 8-10 for teenagers. And 10 or more for children. And the number increases the younger the person.
Is it true that you grow more when you sleep?
A: yes and no…yes because the padding in between your vertebra decompress because there is no weight on them so your like an inch taller in the morning…no because you are only gaining the inch you lost from standing all day that compressed the padding between your vertebra
Do Children grow more if they Sleep longer?
Q: I was curious if kids grow more/less depending on their sleep habits. I am 13 and was curious if my length of sleeping could affect my height/growth. Maybe, for example, if I sleep less, I can miss my chance to use my growth hormones at my age and never get to grow to my maximum potential/height.Just an interesting topic to think about.Thanks!
A: Your question is interesting and will be marked as such.The fact is however, no amount of sleep is going to stimulate the pituitary gland (your growth gland). It’s relative to diet, exercise and genetics.You might, however, want to do some research into the Pituitary Gland and how to stimulate it. At a young age, you could well be responsible for your growth in dietary supplements that do cause pituitary stimulation.Talk to your Parents (and include your Doctor). Sometimes growth stimulation can cause other abnormalities… it’s a risk factor..

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