What is the fastest way to lose weight and get fit

What is the fastest way to lose weight and get fit

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Exercise, exercise, exercise. And drink lots of water, no other calorie filled drinks. Also eat everything in moderation too much of even a good thing can be bad. If you are extremely overweight look in to gastric bypass surgery. Keep ChaCha-ing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight-and-get-fit ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest way to lose weight and get fit
Is there any fast and free way to lose weight/get fitter??
Follow this and see results. 1. Change your habits. Changing your habits is the first thing and very important to lose those unwanted pounds. 2. Eat vegetables and fruits. As you know, vegetables and fruits are good for us, so eat them! Try…

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A: if you want to lose weight, improve your health generally, and have more energy then getting some nutritional help is vital. Once your body starts to absorb the right nutrients and vitamins and protein then you’ll be amazed how quickly you will feel the difference, usually within the first 48 hours if you get the right supplements and help. I had no energy and felt just generally rotten all round so I sought the advice of a nutritional coach (whose advice was FREE) and got myself some great products, I even got free samples before I got started so I could see just how good they were!! There is a website called myhealthabc.com If go on there and fill out the details page you will get a call with no pressure about what you need. There is a mall area as well that’s got some great info and its all set out with easy to follow headings so you can find what you want. It’s so easy and the stuff they have is excellent. I have been using their products for over two years and I feel great. I lost 70 pounds in less than seven months!! My sister lost 60 pounds in five months
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A: hi there well im 5 foot 3 and 238lbs. although im big my weight isnt much of an issue as im very fit for my size(i play alot of sports etc)the best way ( i find) to lose weight is to find a distraction. if you are sitting at home bored then you will eat. i try to go out and do things and keep busy. im even saving up to buy a bike.things like polycycstic ovarian syndrome can cause weight gain, she might want to look into it just incase hope some of this helps a littlealso there is no point in telling someone to lose weight. they have to feel ready, determined in their own head, all that will happen when you tell them to lose weight is demoralise them

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