What is the most someone has squatted

What is the most someone has squatted

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the most someone has squatted”,you can compare them.

Brent Mikesell is the current squat king! He has squatted world record lifts of 1041 and 1074. Wow! Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-someone-has-squatted ]
More Answers to “What is the most someone has squatted
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When a room assignment is not possible, the system will move to the student’s next preference and will seek the best fit for that student.
Can doing squats really improve someones bench press??
yes they can actually, because squats activate all the lower body muscles and abs which are need to bench ieven if u dont feel it.
Can someone please explain how to do ‘squats’ and ‘lunges’??
Squats: Stand with your legs hip width apart, bend your knees sticking your butt out behind you as if you are aiming to sit down on a low chair. Do not let your knees go forward over your toes, they must remain over your ankles for effectiv…

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A: You need to see a qualified physical therapist. They can prescribe exercises for your legs, hips and abdomen that will help support your back. And I mean a real physical therapist, not a trainer. Anyone can call themselves a trainer while a therapist is specially trained.
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Q: Why are people saying he’s bringing America to a sad state of affairs or that he’s taking things away? I haven’t seen him take squat away…….where are some of you pulling this doo doo from?
A: Well, Obama has printed 2 trillion dollar of un-backed money since November. No President has ever done this. All countries in the past have failed and folded for doing the same thing. Also, what other President took Airforce 1 on a joy ride to take his wife on a date?
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A: squat, public toilets are discusting……..ych

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