Is it bad to pop your fingers

Is it bad to pop your fingers

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Habitual knuckle poppers show signs damage, including soft tissue damage to the joint capsule and a decrease in grip strength. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to pop your fingers
Is it bad to pop your fingers?
Yes and no. The fact that your joints are sore says its bad for you. Yes popping your fingers and joints is a release of air but do some of you people ever bother to think what the actual noise is? It is the cartilage from both bones of …
Is it bad to pop your fingers/knuckles/back?
New research concludes that it does not harm anyone.
Can anything happen if you do not pop your fingers?
your mom tells you that poping your knuckles will give you arthritis.Thats not true for everyone.Some people have bigger joints then others.So it wont realy hurt them,but if you have smaller joints it will hurt in the future.Poping your knu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it bad to pop your knuckles, fingers, etc..?
Q: I have heard that it is really bad for you, but I don’t know why. What does it do? I pop my fingers at least once an hour.
A: It is more of a myth than fact. It is NOT as bad as it has been said (and the reason we say it is bad is probably because it must annoy others around).There are good and bad sides to it, so read on the small article on — it is very very informative—excerpt from the article-“only one in-depth study regarding the possible detriments of knuckle popping has been published. This study, done by Raymond Brodeur and published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, examined 300 knuckle crackers for evidence of joint damage. The results revealed no apparent connection between joint cracking and arthritis; however, habitual knuckle poppers did show signs of other types of damage, including soft tissue damage to the joint capsule and a decrease in grip strength. This damage is most likely a result of the rapid, repeated stretching of the ligaments surrounding the joint.”
Is it bad to “pop” or “crack” your fingers often? why does it make a noise?
Q: every now and then my hand will crap up when i am typing or writing, so what i do is i grab one of my fingers and i pull until i hear a pop noise, this is sometimes called “cracking your knuckles” or “popping your fingers.”is this bad to do all the time?why does it make a weird pop noise?
A: It is bad to do this yes!The popping is not really your bones ‘cracking’ but just hitting off one another.This can seriously lead to arthritus in later life. Your better off stopping now because some people find it impossible to stop if they’ve been doing it for a while!Plus it makes your fingers grow all crooked too!EDIT – Okay, since seeing your q yesterday i actually researched it alot because it was annoying me!Turns out the popping you hear is because some peoples knuckle joins dont fit exactly so these people sometimes feel the need to ‘crack’ them to move them. The connection with arthritus is that people with these types of joints are more likely to get arthritus in later life. Ya get me?!Other people like me cant even crack my knuckles so i would be of lesser risk to arthritus than someone who can and does crack. It does make your fingers quite crooked though!Hope i helped!
is it bad to pop your fingers?
Q: i had never really started popping my fingers until about a month ago. recently my joints have been bruised and sore. is it from popping them?if yes, should i stop popping them?if no, what else could it be?
A: Yes and no. The fact that your joints are sore says its bad for you. Yes popping your fingers and joints is a release of air but do some of you people ever bother to think what the actual noise is? It is the cartilage from both bones of that joint smacking into itself when the air is released. You don’t have to be a doctor to realize that if your joints keep banging into each other repeatedly how long will it take for you to create micro-fractures and how long do you think it will take for them to become a problem? Like all things to much of anything can be bad. Some is not to bad, and a lot is very bad. So I stand on the answer yes and no.

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