How to treat a pulled hamstring

How to treat a pulled hamstring

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How to treat a pulled hamstring”,you can compare them.

It is vitally important that treatment for a pulled hamstring starts immediately following injury. The most important phase>More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to treat a pulled hamstring
・ 1 Rest is the first treatment for a hamstring injury. Rest your injury completely. Do not consider exercising… ・ 2 Place an ice pack covered with a soft cloth against your hamstring for 10 to 20 minutes to reduce swelling… ・ 3 Wrap yo…
The hamstrings consist of a group of 3 muscles that are located at the back of your thighs, running from your hips down to your knees. They help us in everyday movement like standing, walking and running. Hamstrings are often pulled by fail…
Take a bath as hot as you can stand it, stay there for 15 to 20 minutes. then after drying off, massage Icyhot onto the areas that are hurting. find the stiffest most painful part of the muscle and rub it firmly during the bath and while yo…

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What can I do to treat a pulled hamstring?
Q: I pulled my right hamstring during track practice, doing high knee kicks. I have a meet in 2 weeks that I have to attened. I do the 100m, 200m, 4X100, and 4X400. What is the best treatment for my hamstring? Any ideas will help, please&thanx!
A: I’m the first to answer!!!! Woot Woot!!! I always say stretching. Stretching always works for me. Wanna know a secret. Stretch in the shower. Turn the water on as hot as you can stand it, and do what stretch you need to do to fix your hamstring. One stretch I like is trying to bend and reach for your toes in the shower, and letting the hot water beat against your legs. Works for me. I stretch one hour everyday. I never get pulls hammies or cramps. You should try it.
Should I treat my pulled hamstring with heat or ice?
Q: I pulled my hamstring over a month ago. I treated it with a lot of stretching, and ice, and occassionaly heat and massage. It got better, but playing basketball the other day I reaggravated it. Fortunately not as bad as the first time. Anyone out there have good advice? Heat, ice, both?? I’ve never had this problem and its pretty frustrating. Thanks.
A: I am a massage therapist in San Francisco and see this kind of thing a lot. Ice is good for acute injuries during the first 3-4 days, but after that you should use heat. I have had a lot of success with fish oil (Omega 3). It is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps soft tissue injuries heal faster. Good anti-inflammatory foods to eat are wild salmon, herring, sardines, spinach, berries, cantaloupe, ginger, garlic, onions, and most green vegetables. You should drink plenty of water and continue with the massage and heat. Good
How do you treat a pulled hamstring?
A: Rest it, relax, rub some pain reliever on it, bathe with hot water. This will REALLY cure it! ;)Hope this helps! 😀

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