What are some quick ways to lose weight

What are some quick ways to lose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some quick ways to lose weight”,you can compare them.

Quick weight loss tips: Ban the strange diets. Turn off the television. Skip the sugary drinks. Think before you eat. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-quick-ways-to-lose-weight ]
More Answers to “What are some quick ways to lose weight
Most methods for quick weight loss have little basis in science and thus end up not working or causing damage in the process. If you’re trying to lose weight quickly but safely, there are some…
What I ‘ been doing is eating healthy , no fried foods, no breads or bake goods , just pure protein and fruits and vegetables . my workouts consist on cardio , get on the treadmill and do sprints start slow and do the fastest you can handle…
There isn’t a good QUICK way to lose weight. The best way is the slow way. Still, here are some thoughts. The key is diet. Watch your calories, and avoid sugars, complex carbohydrates, and fats. This means a diet high in non-starchy vegetab…

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What are some quick ways to lose weight?
Q: I’m not looking for a long term solution, just want to lose a few pounds before I see some old friends next weekend. Ideas?
A: i noticed a real difference in general slimness, when i went to sand my skirting and door frame before painting in my bedroom, everyone said i looked much skinnier in the face, neck and hips and chest.
What are some quick and easy ways to lose weight?
Q: Now we all know we have some of those extra “holiday” pounds we just can not seem to get rid of. My goal is to lose about 10 or 15 pounds within the next month. Even quicker ways like those fluke things that take a couple of days would be appreciated. I have tried things like the Hollywood Diet and i cannot seem to get it down because of the taste, yet the fasting for 2 days thing doesn’t bother me as much. I also cannot do diet pills due to medical reasons. please I need answers quick!
A: there is no ‘miracle’ for instant weight loss. basic principle is burn off more calories then you take in, eat healthily, and do plenty of cardio. that’s about as good as it gets ha 🙂
What are some good and quick ways to lose weight in one month?
Q: weight, lose, month, diet, pounds, exericse
A: if you want to lose weight i suggest you cut down on junk food and fizzy drinks in your diet and eventually cut these out. You could also try eating less carbs as these supply vast amounts of energy that is slowly released and if this energy is not used up you will put on weight. I would also advise you not to eat late as this means our body’s store more of the energy as fat as we don’t use that much energy when sleeping.You should be aiming to get at least 1 hour of cardio a day so i would say to do some running, swimming or cycling. If you chose to cycle then try to stand up while cycling as this tones the thighs more. Another way to help you lose weight quicker is to boost your metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the day. A good way to boost your metabolism is to get more muscle mass to body fat, to do this do sit-ups, crunches and press-ups if you want get a set of weights and follow the instructions that should come with them. At first you may put on weight as muscle weighs more than fat but keep to it and you’ll look better, Another way is to exercise in the morning as this boosts the metabolism and this falls very slowly which will mean you’ll burn more calories throughout the day.Hope this helped and good luck

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