What is a healthy percentage of body fat

What is a healthy percentage of body fat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a healthy percentage of body fat”,you can compare them.

Essential fat for women should be between 10-12% and for men between 2-4%. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-healthy-percentage-of-body-fat ]
More Answers to “What is a healthy percentage of body fat
What is a healthy percentage of body fat?
We searched on ” body fat percentage ” and browsed through Yahoo!’s Health category to turn up many different estimations of healthy body fat. Most sources agree that the human body requires a certain amount of fat for good health…
How Much Fat Is Healthy?
It’s a well know fact that the majority of men, women and children have too much fat in their diet, creating a number of health issues including cancer. Diets that are high in fat are associated with breast and colon cancer, with some studi…
Is my body fat percentage healthy?
Body fat measurements and the measuring tape are recognized as superior methods for measuring “weight loss”. When one declares that they want to “lose weight”, what they often mean is that they want to lose fat. So, no…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a healthy body fat percentage for a 14 years old girl?
Q: Okay I need some answers here….one is body fat percentage like the percentage of your weight that is fat?……two what is a healthy body fat percentage for a 14 year old girl……I’m trying to lose some fat for soccer season so I need answers FAST so I can start really planning workouts and diet stuff!!
A: The only way to know for sure what your body fat is is to have it professionally measured. The things on the internet where you take measurements are only approximate and don’t take into account your muscle or build- so don’t trust them, especially because you’re 14. Body fat percentage is how much of your weight is fat, a healthy amount for women is something like 22% of your weight. I know that sounds gross, but most of it is between your organs and keeps them from failing. Athletes who are super fit sometimes have 16% body fat, but anything less than 10% and you risk organ failure, and having your period stop which can lead to lost bone density. If you’re serious about having a healthy body fat %, go get it measured at a sports clinic.
What is a healthy body fat percentage?
Q: I am 5’9” 150 pounds and about 11.8% body fat. I am wondering what is a healthy range for males and also how low does the percentage have to be to start seeing abs.
A: A healthy level for the average male is roughly 10-20%. However to get your abs to show you need to go beyond average. So if you can build up your muscle mass your body fat weight could remain the same but as a percentage it will drop. The double whammy of greater muscle mass (%) and falling body fat % (only) may make your abs more visible.So if you want to say hello to your abs, you’d better start taking your workouts to the next level!
What’s a healthy body fat percentage to have?
Q: I’m 16, 6’1″ and 148 pounds. My body fat percentage is 5.9%. I have a feeling I’m too skinny. Also, how can I put on 10 pounds of fat fast and easy? I already eat over 3500 calories a day and I’m still super thin. Can someone let me know what a healthy body fat percentage for me is?
A: If you want to gain weight, I have a surefire answer………..KEEP LIVING! The older that you get that metabolism will slow down. I say, “enjoy while you can”.

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