What workouts make you faster

What workouts make you faster

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What workouts make you faster”,you can compare them.

The best running workouts to get faster are done only a few times a week with rest periods in between. This allows your muscles to rest and to recuperate in order to rebuild the muscles that are broken down by hard training. Having these rest..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-workouts-make-you-faster ]
More Answers to “What workouts make you faster
Does leg workouts make a person run faster?
leg workouts do increase your speed and stamina!
Do Rehab workouts make you throw faster?
You hear stories from time to time about how people who’ve had TJ surgery end up throwing harder after their rehab. But two questions immediately come to mind. First, what are they comparing to? Was it their performance right before thei…
What workouts make me punch harder and faster?
i do heavy weights with low reps, and light weight with high reps as well. u gotta do a bit of eveything to be complete. just dont put priority on lifting weights, if ur tryin to fight. if u lift too much, yea u will be slow and bulky. i li…

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What are some really good excercises or workouts to make me run faster and or kick harder in soccer?
Q: i want to be a faster runner and harder kicker when it comes to soccer. i suck at kicking. pretty good at running. but i want to run faster anyways and DEFINITLY work on my kicks. soccer season is about to start and I need to know!!!
A: say you 6ft tall go to 5ft tall water and use a soccer ball kick up and keep kicking the ball as hard as you can. do it in different heights of water compare to your height. This works on gaining more power and on aim since in water you can’t see where you kick as good and it hard to kick the ball dead on in the water but if you get to where you can kick it just right every time and kick it far then you reg kick out of water should be awesome. Then their rock climbing to help, or just plain out swimming up river against current. Uh and if you have big trees near ya climb them and jump from tree to tree. i know sounds weird but it helps.these are ways to improve your self pretty fast slower ways is to just run or kick the ball over and over again
Does leg workouts make a person run faster?
Q: I don’t have a car yet so I can’t go to the gym. Does running by ignoring the pain and without equipment makes me run faster or not?
A: leg workouts do increase your speed and stamina!
What workouts or things you can buy will make you run faster or jump farther?
Q: Right now i am on the best team in the state of Illinois for baseball. I am currently the fastest player but would like to get faster. How can i get faster without surgery? Also, i play basketball and can currently touch the glass on the backboard. I would like to touch rim soon. how can i make this possible?
A: You have a coach. Your school has a PE department. They’ve studied things like fitness and kinesiology to get where they are. Consult them. You are far more likely to get a useful answer from them than in a couple of paragraphs from random idiots on the internet.I’m sure your baseball and basketball coaches want you to do well, and would be happy to point you in the right direction. If your coaches are anything like my son’s were, they have already given you a page or two of things you should be doing in the offseason.

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